Page 17 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 17

Imitations of other materials in porcelain, known as trompe         乾隆帝喜愛標新創異,像生瓷仿各物料而製,深受弘曆青
l’oeil, were favoured by the Qianlong Emperor who had a             睞。其時古青銅及仿古青銅器流行尤廣,仿效者眾,以各
penchant for the novel. Archaic and archaistic bronzes were         式釉料或窰變釉等模仿青銅器,並描金銀以仿錯金銀器。
particularly popular and copied in a great variety of ways with     吉金鑑賞,宋已有之,是以早有摹仿高古青銅之作。本品
different glazes, flambé effects and with gilding and silvering to  器身飾褐斑,或深或淺,妙倣宋明間仿古銅器包漿,蘊古
imitate inlay. The present piece is notable for its subtle russet   人對高古吉金之情。
and dark brown patches to resemble successfully a slightly
worn patina of archaistic bronze vessels that have in turn been     北京故宮博物院收藏一乾隆年製例,尺寸較小,署款,
inspired by archaic ritual bronzes.                                 以金銀描幾何紋飾,圖見《中國陶瓷全集》,卷15,上
A slightly smaller Qianlong mark and period vase of this form,      ,1994年,圖版151,尺寸較大,帶「敬畏堂製」款。
decorated with gilt and silver-painted geometric motifs, in the
Palace Museum, Beijing, is illustrated in The Complete Works        本器器形取自高古青銅罍,獸形尊耳則源自東周缶器。
of Chinese Ceramics, vol. 15, Shanghai, 2000, pl. 108; and a        比較河南出土青銅缶例,獸形雙耳,獸首朝後望,圖錄
slightly larger vase, with a Jingweitang zhi (‘Made for the Hall    於蘇芳淑,《Eastern Ritual Bronzes from the Arthur M.
of Awesome Reverence’) hall mark, is published in Qingdai ciqi      Sackler Collections》,紐約,1995年,圖版34.2。
shangjian [Appreciation of Qing dynasty porcelain], Shanghai,
1994, pl. 151.

The form of this vase is taken from an archaic bronze ritual lei
vessel, while its animal handles derive from fou vessels of the
Eastern Zhou period (770-256 BC); compare for example a
bronze fou with handles cast in the form of an animal with its
head sharply turned backwards, unearthed in Henan province,
illustrated in Jenny So, Eastern Ritual Bronzes from the Arthur
M. Sackler Collections, New York, 1995, pl. 34.2.

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