Page 22 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 22

Exquisitely cast in openwork with a leafy floral      鎏金,鏤空鏨刻番蓮紋飾,枝葉翻捲自如,鏨
scroll and embellished with a finely carved jade      工精緻,蓋鑲嵌白玉,結構巧妙,精美華麗。
plaque, this piece is a particularly fine example     乾隆朝所製層盒,多為疊撞式,每層可單獨打
of a treasure box because of its ingenious            開。然此盒各層於一側以合頁相連,每層旋轉
construction. Tiered boxes of the Qianlong reign      打開,造型新奇靈巧,趣味盎然。此層盒樣式
were more commonly made as stackable types            甚罕,應用於存放珠寶首飾及貴重物品。
where it was opened by removing each level.
However, this box is held together by a hinge         一造型類同例售於巴黎蘇富比2014年6月10
which allows each tier to swivel open. Boxes of       日,編號4。一帶乾隆年款琺瑯層盒,器中一
this type are particularly rare and the small size    層鏨折枝花卉紋,原屬 Nino Marakovic 舊藏,
of this box suggests it may have been created to      售於香港蘇富比2003年4月27日,編號4。
store jewellery or other precious items.
A cylindrical box similarly cast in openwork on       上。此器合頁兩側飾蝴蝶,寓意幸福美滿,蝙
the sides and with a jade plaque on the cover         蝠為福壽象徵。俯瞰相連兩層同時由軸心展
was sold in our Paris rooms, 10th June 2014, lot      開,猶如雙喜臨門,喜慶吉祥。此盒極有可能
4. See also a Qianlong mark and period painted        是婚慶禮物。
enamel tiered box, one tier cast with floral sprays,
from the Nino Marakovic Collection, sold in these
rooms, 27th April 2003, lot 4.

The design of butterflies and bats has
traditionally been a favoured motif in China for
its highly auspicious qualities. Two confronting
butterflies, here cast on each side of the hinge,
represent a joyful union, while bats are a pun for
blessings. Furthermore, when seen from above
with the top swivelled, the box takes the form of
two interlocking rings which represent double
happiness. This piece would have thus been
suitable as a wedding gift.

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