Page 184 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 184

This bowl and cover is an exceptional example of the technical    霽藍釉蓋盌,乃雍正御窰巧技臻絕之作,取材明代宣德朝
perfection achieved by craftsmen working at the imperial kilns    器制,仿古器形施以單色瓷,蓋頂天雞鈕,呼應古青銅
at Jingdezhen during the Yongzheng period. As with many           器,尚古文雅。蓋盌原型可參考台北故宮博物院藏四件宣
Yongzheng period monochrome wares, this piece displays the        德窰青花作例,錄於《明宣德瓷器特展目錄》,國立故宮
prevailing interest in archaism, as evidenced in its shape, a     博物院,台北,1998年,編號50-53。
reinterpretation of the celebrated wares of the Xuande reign,
and the bird-shaped finial on the cover, which echoes the         2010年10月8日,香港蘇富比售出一件近類蓋盌,編號
Chinese bronze age. For the prototype of this piece, see four     2636;另一例售於倫敦佳士得2002年6月18日,編號69。
blue and white bowls with Xuande marks and of the period, in      參考三件此類瓷盌,蓋已佚失,其一於香港蘇富比1995年
the National Palace Museum, Taipei, included in the Museum’s      10月31日售出,編號421,另二例售於2008年4月11日,
Special Exhibition of Selected Hsuan-te Imperial Porcelains of    編號2908、2909。
the Ming Dynasty, National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1998, cat.
nos 50-53.

A closely related bowl and cover was sold in these rooms, 8th     類同瓷盌亦見藍地白魚紋飾者,如檀香山藝術博物館
October 2010, lo 2636; and another was sold at Christie’s         藏一件雍正窰蓋盌,載於《世界陶磁全集》,卷12,
London, 18th June 2002, lot 69. See also three bowls of this      東京,1956年,圖版56;另一件蓋盌曾為 George de
shape but lacking the cover, sold in these rooms, one, 31st       Menasce、Pierre de Menasce 與 F. Gordon Morrill 遞
October 1995, lot 421, and the other two, 11th April 2008, lots   藏,1987年5月20日售於香港蘇富比,編號586;還有一
2908 and 2909.                                                    例售於倫敦蘇富比2005年11月9日,編號309。

Bowls of similar form are also known decorated in white slip      比較一件雍正黃釉劃龍紋盌,曾展出於東方陶瓷學會,
with fish against a blue ground, such as a Yongzheng mark         《The Ceramic Art of China》,倫敦,1971年,編號244
and period example, with its matching cover, in the Honolulu      ,1981年7月15日售於倫敦佳士得,編號44。
Academy of Arts, illustrated in Sekai toji zenshu/Catalogue of
World’s Ceramics, vol. 12, Tokyo, 1956, pl. 56; another in the
collections of George de Menasce, Pierre de Menasce and F.
Gordon Morrill, sold in these rooms, 20th May 1987, lot 586;
and a third, sold in our London rooms, 9th November 2005,
lot 309.

See also a Yongzheng mark and period bowl of this shape,
but covered overall in a yellow glaze and incised on the sides
with dragons, included in the Oriental Ceramic Society Jubilee
exhibition The Ceramic Art of China, London, 1971, cat. no. 244,
and sold at Christie’s London, 15th July, 1981, lot 44.

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