Page 204 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 204


PROPERTY OF A HONG KONG COLLECTOR                                  清嘉慶 紫地粉彩番蓮八吉祥紋賁巴壺
FAMILLE-ROSE ALTAR VASE                                            來源:
SEAL MARK AND PERIOD OF JIAQING                                    Loch 勛爵(1827-1900年)收藏
                                                                   Alfred Morrison(1821-97年)收藏
the globular lower body supported on a wide splayed foot,          放山居 Margadale 勛爵收藏,編號306-2
rising to a bulbous moulded neck surmounted by a disc-             倫敦佳士得1971年10月18日,編號72(一對之其一)
shaped mouth of angled profile, the body exquisitely decorated     S. Marchant & Son Ltd,倫敦,2009年
in vibrant colours of the famille-rose palette with the bajixiang
emblems, interspersed by leafy lotus scrolls beneath a band        出版:
of interlocking ruyi heads and above a band of lappets skirting    《Recent Acquisitions 2009》,S. Marchant & Son Ltd,
the foot, the neck decorated with yellow, green, red and blue      倫敦,2009年,編號43及封面
stripes, the mouth painted with bands of composite scrolling
flowers enhanced by gilt beaded borders all against a bright
ruby-red ground, the turquoise base with a central square
reserved in white for the iron-red six-character seal mark
26 cm, 10¼ in.


Collection of Lord Loch of Drylaw (1827-1900).
Collection of Alfred Morrison (1821-97).
Collection of Lord Margadale of Islay, Fonthill House,
no. 306-2.
Christie’s London, 18th October 1971, lot 72 (one of a pair).
S. Marchant & Son Ltd, London, 2009.


Recent Acquisitions 2009, S. Marchant & Son Ltd, London,
2009, cat. no. 43 and cover.

HK$ 3,000,000-5,000,000
US$ 387,000-645,000


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