Page 207 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 207

Richly decorated with the bajixiang on a luxurious ruby ground,    粉彩胭脂紫地番蓮八吉祥紋賁巴壺始燒於乾隆朝後期,乃
vases of this form and decoration were first produced during       仿藏式金屬器而作的法器,用於皇家喇嘛廟或賜予西藏僧
the later Qianlong period in imitation of Tibetan metalwork, for   侶的禮物。此器原為一對,其中一件售香港蘇富比1983
use either in the Lamaist temples in Beijing or as imperial gifts  年11月14日,編號188。一相似例售倫敦蘇富比1974年7
to visiting Tibetan lamas. The companion piece to this vase        月9日,編號419,1980年5月21日於香港蘇富比再次拍
was sold in these rooms, 14th November 1983, lot 188; and          賣,編號235。一嘉慶黃地粉彩例曾展於《Late Chinese
a closely related example was sold in our London rooms, 9th        Imperial Porcelain》,南威爾斯美術館,悉尼,1980年,
July 1974, lot 419, and again in these rooms, 21st May 1980, lot   編號10。
235. A Jiaqing marked yellow-ground example was included in
the exhibition Late Chinese Imperial Porcelain, Art Gallery of     乾隆朝各色地賁巴壺,紅地例售香港蘇富比1997年11月5
New South Wales, Sydney, 1980, cat. no. 10.                        日,編號1567;黃地例見朱湯生,《中國瓷器—莊紹綏收
For Qianlong mark and period prototypes painted with similar       藏,見 Hugh Moss,《御製》,香港,1976年,圖版84
designs on different colour grounds, see a coral-ground            ,售香港蘇富比1981年5月20日,編號871。
example sold in these rooms, 5th November 1997, lot 1567;
a yellow-ground vase published in Julian Thompson, The             瓷胎賁巴壺其器形以西藏金屬法器為藍本,故宮藏一件銀
Alan Chuang Collection of Chinese Porcelain, Hong Kong,            鏨花賁巴壺,為宮中佛堂所用之法器,見《清宮藏傳佛教
2009, pl. 112; and a pink-ground example from the Fonthill         文物》,北京,1992年,圖版146。
Heirlooms, illustrated in Hugh Moss, By Imperial Command. An
Introduction to Chinese Imperial Painted Enamels, Hong Kong,
1976, pl. 84, sold in these rooms, 20th May 1981, lot 871.

Porcelain vessels of this type derived from metal-bodied
Tibetan altar vases, such as the jewelled silver benja pot made
for use in one of the Buddhist chapels in the Forbidden City
illustrated in Cultural Relics of Tibetan Buddhism Collected in
the Qing Palace, Beijing, 1992, pl. 146 (partly concealed by its
pleated silk wrapping).

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