Page 220 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 220
the patinated ivory of variegated creamy-brown tones, Frank Donaldson 收藏,佛羅里達州坦帕
carved in the round as a seated man with a long beard and 紐約蘇富比1985年4月17日,編號121
moustache, his right elbow leaning against a rocky outcrop 水松石山房收藏
while his left hand rests on his raised left knee, wearing 香港蘇富比2013年4月8日,編號126
loose-fitting robes tied around his stomach with a sash and a
cloth hat with two long ribbons falling onto his shoulders, the 展覽:
ribbons and the hems of the robes stained brown 曾柱昭及莫士撝,《文玩萃珍》,香港大學馮平山博物
10 cm, 4 in. 館,香港,1986年,編號74
PROVENANCE 此坐像採用圓雕技法,雕琢精細圓潤,面部表情細膩,衣
A private collection, St. Petersburg, Florida, 1960. 吉祥圖案為題材的作品深受國內、外藏家之青睞。在此像
Collection of Frank Donaldson, Tampa, Florida. 簡練的直線裝飾上,其創作靈感應來自當時的版畫。見明
Sotheby’s New York, 17th April 1985, lot 121. 朝萬曆年間刊行的一部有文有圖的道家傳說故事書《列仙
The Water, Pine and Stone Retreat Collection. 全傳》,詳載於 Derek Gilman,《Chinese Ivories from
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8th April 2013, lot 126. Shang to Qing》,倫敦, 1984年,圖11-14。
EXHIBITED 賢士頭上所戴綸巾應為道家穿戴的道巾,因此此像應為道
Gerard Tsang and Hugh Moss, Arts from the Scholar’s Studio, 像似,見前書頁66,編號45;另兩件東方朔雕像,曾展
Fung Ping Shan Museum, University of Hong Kong, 1986, cat. 出於《關氏所藏中國牙雕》,香港中文大學文物館,香
no. 74. 港,1990年,編號32,此像頭戴同樣的道巾,束腰長袍;
◉ HK$ 800,000-1,200,000
US$ 104,000-155,000
Skilfully carved in the round, this figure is a fine example of
ivory carving as seen in the sensitively modelled face and
gentle folds of the robes of this figure. Figures of this type
may have been created in the ivory workshops of Zhangzhou,
Fujian province, where small carvings of deities, immortals
or auspicious images were popular and in great demand by
both domestic and foreign traders. With its emphasis on long
vertical lines, it suggests it was inspired by contemporary
woodblock prints. See illustrations of various immortals from
the late Ming edition (c.1600) of the Lixian quanzhuang (‘The
Complete Biography of the Assorted Immortals’), included in
Derek Gilman, Chinese Ivories from Shang to Qing, London,
1984, figs 11-14.
The cloth hat worn by this figure, with its trailing ribbons,
suggests that he may be a Daoist figure; compare a similarly
clothed and bearded figure, identified as Zhongli Quan,
illustrated ibid., p. 66, no. 45; and two carvings of Dongfang
Shuo, included in the exhibition Chinese Ivories from the Kwan
Collection, Art Gallery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, 1990, cat. no. 32, depicted wearing a similar putuo
hat and long robe tied at the waist, and cat. no. 53.
218 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比