Page 242 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 242


AN EXQUISITE PEACH-SHAPED GUAN-TYPE                                 清乾隆 仿官釉雙桃洗
BRUSH WASHER                                                                  《大清乾隆年製》款
the asymmetrical shallow bowl forming the outline of a peach        仇焱之(1910-80年)收藏
with unevenly furled sides, the handle formed from a gnarled        胡惠春(1911-95年)收藏
tree branch set with a plump peach, a lingzhi and curled            紐約蘇富比1985年6月4日,編號59
leaves, all beneath an opaque milky blue-green glaze with faint     香港佳士得1996年4月28日,編號58
crackles, thinning at the edges of the leaves and branches to       玫茵堂收藏
reveal a dark body, fired on four spurs revealing the porcelain     香港蘇富比2011年4月7日,編號37
body beneath, the underside modelled with a shallow groove
characteristic of peaches, marked on the base with a six-           出版:
character reign mark in underglaze blue, wood stand                 Helen D. Ling 及仇焱之,《抗希齋珍藏歷代名瓷影譜》,
21.6 cm, 8½in.                                                      香港,1950年,卷4,編號175
PROVENANCE                                                          4,編號1800

Collection of Edward T. Chow (1910-80).                             此件筆洗,承襲雍正原型,應屬乾隆早期作品。所用瓷
Collection of J.M. Hu (1911-95).                                    土,精心煉選,令塑貼枝葉更形生動。比較一件極為相
Sotheby’s New York, 4th June 1985, lot 59.                          近,但尺寸略大之雍正筆洗,屬清宮舊藏,現藏北京故宮
Christie’s Hong Kong, 28th April 1996, lot 58.                      博物院,收錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集.顏色釉》
The Meiyintang Collection.                                          ,香港,1999年,圖版207,同書收錄一件尺寸略小之乾
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 7th April 2011, lot 37.                        隆作例,圖版217,為淺色瓷土所製,另收錄一件開片作
LITERATURE                                                          和現拍品相比,兩洗之燒製時期應屬較後。

Helen D. Ling and E.T. Chow, Collection of Chinese Ceramics
from the Pavilion of Ephemeral Attainment, Hong Kong, 1950,
vol. IV, no. 175.
Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang
Collection, London, 1994-2010, vol. 4, no. 1800.

HK$ 2,500,000-3,500,000
US$ 323,000-451,000

This brush washer closely follows a Yongzheng prototype and
is likely to have been made early in the Qianlong period. This
is suggested also by the fact that on this piece the potters
deliberately chose and varied the types of clay they used,
so as to make the applied branch and leaves appear more
naturalistic. A closely related, but somewhat larger Yongzheng
washer in the Palace Museum, Beijing, from the Qing court
collection, is illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures
of the Palace Museum. Monochrome Porcelain, Hong Kong,
1999, pl. 207, together with a somewhat different smaller
Qianlong version, for which no dark clay was used, pl. 217, and
a crackle-glazed version with a neifu mark incised on the base,
probably after firing, pl. 232, both of which would seem to
postdate the present example.


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