Page 246 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 246


AN IMPERIALLY INSCRIBED ‘LANGYAO’                                清康熙 郎窰紅釉刻乾隆御題詩梅瓶
RED-GLAZED MEIPING                                                         《乾隆乙未仲春月御題》款
QING DYNASTY, KANGXI PERIOD, INCISED                                       「比德」、「朗潤」印
(IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1775)                                        題詩:
stoutly potted, the tapering body rising from a splayed foot     世上硃砂非所擬,西方寶石致難同。
to rounded shoulders, sweeping up to a short cylindrical         插花應使花羞色,比盡翻嗤畫是空,
neck and a wide everted rim, applied overall with a deep         數典宣窰斯最古,誰知皇祜德尤崇。
speckled copper-red glaze ranging from a crimson-red tone
to a sumptuous burgundy, further accentuated by mottling
of a grey-tinged green tone, the glaze draining to a white tone
at the rim, neatly trimmed at the foot, the base applied with
a translucent bluish glaze suffused with a tight network of
crazing, incised with an imperial poem dated to the yiwei year
(in accordance with 1775), followed by the two seals reading
bide (‘Compare yourself to jade’) and langrun (‘Bright and
lustrous’) respectively
25.7 cm, 10⅛in.

HK$ 1,500,000-2,500,000
US$ 194,000-323,000

Qing Gaozong yuzhi shiwen quan ji [Anthology of imperial Qianlong poems and prose], Yuzhi shi si ji
[Imperial poems, vol. 4], juan 21, p. 22


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