Page 251 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 251
3672 Yongzheng brush washers of this type are rare, although
a closely related example was included in the Min Chiu
A FINE AND RARE GUAN-TYPE WASHER Society exhibition Monochrome Ceramics of Ming and Ch’ing
SEAL MARK AND PERIOD OF YONGZHENG Dynasties, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1977, cat.
no. 112, and sold in these rooms, 12th/13th May 1976, lot 232.
the cylindrical body with a flat base, all supported on three
short cabriole legs, covered overall save for the tips of the Compare also a Yongzheng mark and period brush washer of
legs with an even attractive pale greyish-blue glaze suffused this shape, but covered in a white glaze, in the National Palace
with a fine network of golden crackles, the base inscribed in Museum, Taipei, included in the Museum’s exhibition Qingdai
underglaze blue with a six-character seal mark encircled by danse you ciqi tezhan [Special exhibition of Qing monochrome
nine spur marks wares], Taipei, 1981, cat. no. 61; a copper-red pair of slightly
16.8 cm, 6⅝ in. smaller size, illustrated in John Ayers, The Baur Collection,
Geneva. Chinese Ceramics, vol. 3, Geneva, 1972, pl. A 287 and
HK$ 600,000-800,000 288; and a further example painted with a floral scroll in the
US$ 77,500-104,000 doucai palette, in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in
Qingdai yuyao ciqi [Porcelains from the Qing dynasty imperial
清雍正 仿官釉三足洗 kilns], vol. I, pt. II, Beijing, 2005, pl. 54.