Page 254 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 254


A RARE BLUE AND WHITE’ BOYS’ DISH                                  明隆慶 青花嬰戲圖盤
MARK AND PERIOD OF LONGQING                                                  《大明隆慶年造》款

with shallow rounded sides rising from a short tapering foot to    來源:
an everted rim, the interior decorated with a central medallion    R.H.R. Palmer 伉儷收藏,編號456
enclosing two boys at play, framed by pine trees and rockwork,     香港佳士得1989年1月17日,編號579
the exterior with a continuous frieze depicting eight further
boys interrupted by shrubs and trees, the base inscribed with a    隆慶一朝,歷時六載,窰燒工藝精湛。承嘉靖遺風,紋飾
six-character reign mark within a double circle                    畫意瀟灑自如,疏密有致。回青料運用爐火純青,發色穩
12 cm, 4¾ in.                                                      定。隆慶官窰瓷器,帶年款者如鳳毛麟角,多書「造」
PROVENANCE                                                         真,器底書「大明隆慶年造」款。同類器傳世品中惟見一
Collection of Mr and Mrs R.H.R. Palmer, no. 456.
Christie’s Hong Kong, 17th January 1989, lot 579.                  惟一例屬 H.R.N. Norton 舊藏,紋飾尺寸,與本器如出一
HK$ 400,000-600,000                                                香港佳士得,1989年及1994年5月30日,編號640。錄於
US$ 52,000-77,500                                                  Adrian Joseph,《Ming Porcelains: Their Origins and
Porcelain wares made during the brief six-year reign of the
Longqing emperor are known to have followed closely in the         見一例,尺寸稍大,盤心繪四童子對弈圖,屬歐洲私人
style of the preceding Jiajing reign. They were made in small      收藏,曾展於《Imperial Chinese Porcelain, Ceramics &
quantity and those which bear the imperial reign mark are even     Works of Art》,Marchant,2013年,編號1。
rarer. This Longqing dish, lively painted in underglaze blue with
boys motif, appears to be extremely rare, with only one closely
related example appears to be know.

The companion dish, painted with an almost identical design
in underglaze blue and of the same size, from the collection of
H.R.N. Norton, was sold twice in our London rooms in 1963 and
1974, twice at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1989 and the last time,
3rd May 1994, lot 640, and illustrated in Adrian Joseph, Ming
Porcelains: Their Origins and Development, London, 1971, pl.

See also a larger Longqing blue and white ‘boys’ dish, but
instead of two figures, painted with a scene of four boys
around a chess board to the interior well, from a European
private collection in Alexandra, exhibited in Imperial Chinese
Porcelain, Ceramics & Works of Art, Marchant, 2013, cat. no. 1.

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