Page 252 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 252


A BLUE AND WHITE ‘DRAGON’ STEM BOWL                                 元 青花龍戲珠紋高足盌
the curved rounded sides rising to a gently flared rim,             一代。類例罕見,相若瓷盃,有飾龍或鳳紋者,出土於內
supported on a splayed hollow stem moulded with horizontal          蒙古元代集寧路古城遺址,參考一龍紋高足盃,見陳永志
ridges, applied overall save for the unglazed footring with         編,《內蒙古集寧路古城遺址出土瓷器》,北京,2004
a white glaze, the exterior decorated in cobalt blue with a         年,圖版46,或三件鳳紋高足盃,圖版42-4,亦有見數盃
single long three-clawed dragon chasing a ‘flaming pearl’ and       出土時整齊置於一甕罐內,參見頁12。前述之龍紋高足盃
writhing sinuously around the vessel, the interior centred with     後入展於2009年北京首都博物館之《元青花》展覽,編號
a further ‘flaming pearl’ and encircled by a classic scroll at the  107,同展另一相類作例,則出土於安徽一處元代窖藏,
rim, further detailed with a moulded design of two dragons          見編號106。明洪武四年(1371年)汪興祖墓出土物,也
around a central rosette medallion                                  可資比對,該器現藏南京博物院,載於汪慶正,《青花釉
11.9 cm, 4⅝ in.                                                     裏紅》,香港,1993年,圖版33。

HK$ 900,000-1,200,000                                               大英博物館另藏一例,錄於霍吉淑,《Ming Ceramics
                                                                    in the British Museum》,倫敦,2001年,編號1:24。
US$ 116,000-155,000                                                 還有兩件相若器例,分別屬 O. Harriman 夫人及 Cunliffe
                                                                    勛爵典藏,曾於1953-4年東方陶瓷學會假倫敦 The
Stem bowls with such freely executed sketches of vigorous           Arts Council Gallery 舉行之《Chinese Blue and White
dragons chasing ‘flaming pearls’ appear to have been in use         Porcelain: 14th to 19th Centuries》特展中展出,編號11
throughout China during the Yuan dynasty, although extant           及12。
examples are rare. Similar stem bowls, decorated both with
dragons and with phoenix, were excavated from the Yuan city
site at Jininglu in Inner Mongolia, see Chen Yongzhi, ed., Nei
Menggu Jininglu gu cheng yizhi chutu ciqi/Porcelain Unearthed
from Jininglu Ancient City Site in Inner Mongolia, Beijing, 2004,
pl. 46, for a dragon stem cup, pls 42-4, for three stem bowls
with phoenix, and p. 12, for several pieces packed together
in a jar, as found on site. The same dragon stem bowl was
included in the exhibition Yuan qinghua/Blue and White of the
Yuan, Capital Museum, Beijing, 2009, cat. no. 107, together
with a related piece excavated from a Yuan hoard in Anhui,
cat. no. 106. Another example, excavated from the tomb of the
eminent Ming official Wang Xingzu, datable to the fourth year
of Hongwu (1371), is in the Nanjing Museum, published in Wang
Qingzheng, Underglaze Blue and Red, Hong Kong, 1993, pl. 33.

A stem bowl in the British Museum, London is published in
Jessica Harrison-Hall, Ming Ceramics in the British Museum,
London, 2001, no. 1: 24; and two similar stem bowls from the
collections of Mrs. O. Harriman and Lord Cunliffe, respectively,
were included in the exhibition Chinese Blue and White
Porcelain: 14th to 19th Centuries, The Oriental Ceramic Society
at The Arts Council Gallery, London, 1953-4, cat. nos 11 and 12.

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