Page 268 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 268



MARK AND PERIOD OF YONGZHENG                                       《大清雍正年製》款

the shallow rounded sides rising from a short straight foot,       來源:
finely decorated around the exterior in underglaze-blue            法國私人收藏
outlines and contrasted enamels with five bats fluttering          香港蘇富比2013年4月8日,編號3034
through dense foliate and fruiting branches of peach, the bats
detailed in shades of iron red and the veined leaves in various    此對精緻五蝠供壽紋盌體現了雍正朝御窰匠承前朝遺緒,
tones of green, the fruits picked out with touches of pale green,  創當朝之新風,在黃帝的提倡之下,把吉祥題材更予完
yellow and red, all between double-line borders at the rim and     美,卻不失原創意味。其藍本應為明成化鬪彩團花果紋
foot, the interior centred with a leafy peach spray, the base      盌,盌內底飾折枝花一株,底書年款,見《宣化瓷器特展
inscribed in underglaze blue with a six-character seal mark        圖錄》,故宮博物院,台北,2003年,編號151。本品在
within double squares                                              雙方框內書年款,其書寫樣式,仍留成化之風,見前書編
9.7 cm, 3¾ in.                                                     號161-167。

PROVENANCE                                                         康熙一朝,已見成化紋飾得以延續發展,北京故宮博物院
A French private collection.                                       藏一例康熙鬪彩盌,見葉佩蘭,《美哉陶瓷—鬪彩名瓷》
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8th April 2013, lot 3034.                     ,台北,1993年,圖版66。此盌外壁飾串枝桃紋一周,紋
HK$ 3,500,000-4,500,000
US$ 451,000-580,000

The present finely painted doucai bowl is a rare showcase          雍正朝帶年款桃蝠紋盌一例售於香港蘇富比2006年4月
for how the Yongzheng potter has adapted and modified an           10日,編號1790。一類似例售於香港佳士得1987年11
earlier, Ming dynasty, design to suit contemporary taste yet,      月13日,編號485。一紋飾相近,帶雍正年款的盤,原
at the same time, retaining much of the original flavour. The      為 Goldschmidt 所藏,後售於香港蘇富比1990年11月13
inspiration may be found in Chenghua bowls decorated with          日,編號36;另一盤例售於紐約蘇富比2007年3月20日,
medallions of fruit and flowers in doucai enamels, the interior    編號851。
delicately painted with a single fruiting branch and the base
with a square six-character Chenghua mark, such as the piece
included in the Special exhibition of Ch’eng-hua Porcelain
Ware, 1465-1487, National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2003, cat.
no. 151. This bowl is also reminiscent of Chenghua doucai cups
painted with fruiting peach branches, such as the seven pieces
included ibid., cat. nos 161-167, also with square Chenghua
marks on the base.

During the Kangxi period, the Chenghua motif was further
developed, as may be seen on a bowl in the collection of the
Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Yeh Pei-Lang, Gems
of the Doucai, Taipei, 1993, pl. 66, where the body is painted
with a continuous band of flowering and fruiting peach branch.
However, aesthetically the Kangxi design is not as delicate or
attractive as that created by the Yongzheng artist.

For Yongzheng mark and period doucai bowls decorated with
bats amongst fruiting peach branches see a pair sold in these
rooms 10th April 2006, lot 1790; and another similar pair sold
at Christie’s Hong Kong, 13th November 1987, lot 485. A large
fruiting peach tree, painted in a similar naturalistic manner as
seen on the present bowl, features on a Yongzheng mark and
period dish, from the Goldschmidt collection, sold in these
rooms, 13th November 1990, lot 36; and on another dish sold
in our New York rooms, 20th March 2007, lot 851.

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