Page 296 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 296


PROPERTY OF A HONG KONG COLLECTOR                                清十八世紀 黃玉臥雞

A RARE YELLOW JADE FIGURE OF A HEN                               來源:
QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY                                       香港蘇富比2013年10月8日,編號3312

well modelled in the round as a hen, crouching with her head     此玉雞造型簡樸,別緻生趣。許漢卿舊藏一相近黃玉臥
slightly turned towards the right and her legs neatly tucked     雞,售於紐約佳士得2011年9月15日,編號922,可資比
beneath, naturalistically carved with small rounded eyes, short  對。
incurved beak and pendulous wattles, her plumage finely
delineated with well differentiated feathers on the hackle,
folded wings and tail, the smoothly polished stone of warm
greenish-yellow colour with russet shades
7.7 cm, 3 in.


Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8th October 2013, lot 3312.

The soft rounded contours and impeccably smooth finish
of the present carving accentuate the evenness and subtle
colouration of the stone, which endow the figure with a
befitting warmth and richness. The carver has skilfully blended
an exaggerated pose with fleshy rounded forms to create a
sense of naturalism and calm to the figure.

A closely related yellow jade hen from the collection of Xu
Hanqing was sold at Christie’s New York, 15th September
2011, lot 922.

HK$ 700,000-900,000
US$ 90,500-116,000

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