Page 301 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 301


AN IMPERIALLY INSCRIBED WHITE JADE                                 清乾隆 白玉刻「三清茶」詩蓋盌
‘TEA POEM’ BOWL AND COVER                                          《大清乾隆年製》、《乾隆丙寅小春御題》款
SEAL MARKS AND PERIOD OF QIANLONG                                  「乾」、「隆」印

the deep rounded sides rising from a short foot to an everted      題識:
rim, faintly incised to the interior with a central medallion      梅花色不妖,佛手香且潔。
enclosing fruiting and flowering branches of finger citron,        松實味芳腴,三品殊清絕。
prunus and pine, all encircled by a ruyi band repeated at          烹以折腳鐺,沃之承筐雪。
the rim, the exterior gently inscribed with an imperial poem       火候辯魚蟹,鼎煙迭生滅。
entitled Sanqing Cha (‘Three Purity Tea’), followed by a cyclical  越甌潑仙乳,氈廬適禪悅。
date Qianlong bingyin (in accordance with 1746) and two seals      五蘊淨大半,可悟不可說。
of the emperor, the rim and the foot encircled by ruyi bands in    馥馥兜羅遞,活活雲漿澈。
low relief, similarly decorated at the domed cover, the base of    偓佺遺可餐,林逋賞時別。
the bowl and top of the cover incised with a six-character seal    懶舉趙州案,頗笑玉川譎。
mark                                                               寒宵聽行漏,古月看懸玦。
11.2 cm, 4⅜ in.                                                    軟飽趁幾餘,敲吟興無竭。

HK$ 400,000-600,000

US$ 52,000-77,500


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