Page 32 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 32
BOX AND COVER 《大明宣德年製》款
exquisitely modelled in the form of a large chrysanthemum 紐約蘇富比1985年6月4日,編號4
bloom, the domed cover moulded with concentric rings of
petals in stepped tiers radiating from the slightly raised central 菊瓣蓋盒,器形雅緻,多藏於重要博物館及私人收藏;
floret, the box supported on a short foot and moulded with a 參考一例,出自安宅收藏,展錄於《安宅收藏東洋陶磁
single band of corresponding petal flutes, the exterior covered 展》,京都國立博物館,京都,1978年,編號80;另見
with a slightly bluish-white glaze, the white base inscribed in 一例,尺寸相同,斷代康熙,舊金山亞洲藝術博物館收
underglaze blue with a six-character Xuande mark within a 藏,曾屬艾弗里.布倫德基舊藏,載於賀利, 《Chinese
double circle Ceramics. The New Standard Guide》,倫敦,1996,
16.2 cm, 6⅜ in. 圖版526(藏品編號B60P1594.a-.b);第三例,屬日本
PROVENANCE 得2012年11月28日上拍,編號2297。
Collection of J.M. Hu (1911-95).
Sotheby’s New York, 4th June 1985, lot 4.
HK$ 500,000-700,000 此類蓋盒更形動人、施青白釉者,曾被定為宣德朝物。菊
US$ 64,500-90,500 用於各類藝作,然江西省景德鎮未見出土同類明代官窰蓋
Elegantly fashioned in the form of a chrysanthemum, boxes 判,此器或屬清初仿宣德白釉,而非製於明朝。
of this type, of attractive form and covered in a bluish-white
glaze, are known in important museums and private collections 盒蓋作多層菊瓣狀,亦可見於清代非陶瓷類器皿。參考北
worldwide; one in the Ataka Collection was included in 京故宮博物院藏一菊花紋漆盒,其蓋較圓,刻乾隆題詩一
Exhibition of Far Eastern Ceramics from the Ataka Collection, 首,述此器仿明之風,載於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大
Kyoto National Museum, Kyoto, 1978, cat. no. 80; another of 系:清代漆器》,香港,2006年,圖版165。
the same size and attributed to the Kangxi period, from the
Avery Brundage Collection in the Asian Art Museum of San
Francisco, is illustrated in He Li, Chinese Ceramics. The New
Standard Guide, London, 1996, pl. 526 (no. B60P1594.a-.b);
and a third, from the collection of Reizuiin, Chief Abbot of
Daitsuiji Temple in Nagahama, Japan, was offered at Christie’s
Hong Kong, 28th November 2012, lot 2297.
This rare group of boxes was in the past attributed to the
Xuande reign. While the chrysanthemum flower was one of
the most popular flowers in China and was widely used as an
artistic motif already in the Northern Song dynasty, no related
box of this type has been excavated at the Ming imperial kilns
at Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province. Considering together the
refined potting, crisp moulding and relatively thin blue-tinged
glaze of the present piece, it is probably an early Qing revival
of the Xuande white-glazed wares instead of a Ming dynasty
This form with layers of petals on the cover can also be found
in Qing dynasty wares made from other materials; see for
example a cinnabar lacquer chrysanthemum box and cover
of a more rounded proportion, inscribed with a poem by the
Qianlong Emperor stating that the lacquer box was made to
imitate wares from the Ming dynasty, from the Qing court
collection and preserved in the Palace Museum, Beijing,
included in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace
Museum. Lacquer Wares of the Qing Dynasty, Hong Kong,
2006, pl. 165.
30 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比