Page 36 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 36


PROPERTY OF AN EAST ASIAN COLLECTOR                                清康熙 白釉團螭紋太白尊
WATERPOT                                                           來源:
MARK AND PERIOD OF KANGXI                                          香港蘇富比1984年11月20日,編號471

of classic ‘taibai zun’ form, the domed hemispherical body with    太白尊多施豇豆紅釉,其他釉色相對少見。上海博物館藏
rounded sides tapering to a short waisted neck, the exterior       一相似例,見《康熙瓷圖錄》,香港,1998年,圖版228
finely moulded and carved with three coiled chilong medallions,    。北京故宮博物院亦藏一例,著錄於《故宮博物院藏文物
the exterior applied with an even milky-white glaze, the           珍品全集.顏色釉》,香港,1999年,圖版111。再一例
countersunk base inscribed in underglaze blue with a three-        為里埃斯科舊藏,載於 Edgar E. Bluett,《The Riesco
column six-character reign mark                                    Collection of Old Chinese Pottery and Porcelain》,倫
12.9 cm, 5 in.                                                     敦,1951年,圖版61右,售於倫敦蘇富比1984年12月
                                                                   11日,編號430。Yale Kneeland 夫人收藏一例,曾借展
PROVENANCE                                                         予紐黑文耶魯大學美術館,1994年6月1日售於紐約蘇富
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 20th November 1984, lot 471.                  比,編號371,後再售於香港佳士得1999年4月26日,編
HK$ 500,000-700,000
US$ 64,500-90,500

Beehive waterpots of this shape are well-known with                豇豆紅釉暗刻團夔太白尊,例可參見 Dudley L.
peachbloom glazes but those covered in other monochrome            Pickman(1779-1848年)及 Charles G. Loring 將軍
glazes were produced in smaller numbers. A closely related         (1828-1902年)舊藏品,收入《韞古雙仕:美國私人瑰
waterpot in the Shanghai Museum, Shanghai, is illustrated in       藏中國藝術品萃珍》專場,拍品編號1113。另可參考大
Kangxi Porcelain Wares, Hong Kong, 1998, pl. 228; one from         維德中國藝術基金會藏黃釉團夔紋太白尊,刊於蘇玫瑰,
the Qing court collection and still in Beijing, is published in    《Illustrated Catalogue of Ming and Qing Monochrome
The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum.         Wares in the Percival David Foundation of Chinese
Monochrome Porcelain, Hong Kong, 1999, pl. 111; another in         Art》,倫敦,1989年,頁30-31,編號A508。
the Koger Collection, illustrated in J. Ayers, Chinese Ceramics.
The Koger Collection, London, 1985, pl. 139, was sold in our
London rooms, 16th May 2012, lot 171; another from the Riesco
Collection, illustrated in Edgar E. Bluett, The Riesco Collection
of Old Chinese Pottery and Porcelain, London, 1951, pl. 61 right,
was sold in our London rooms, 11th December 1984, lot 430;
and a fifth example exhibited on loan at Yale University Art
Gallery, New Haven, from the collection of Mrs Yale Kneeland,
was sold in our New York rooms, 1st June 1994, lot 371, and
again at Christie’s Hong Kong, 26th April 1999, lot 507.

See a peachbloom-glazed beehive waterpot incised with
archaistic dragon roundels, from the collection of the
descendants of Dudley L. Pickman (1779-1848) and General
Charles G. Loring (1828-1902) to be offered in the sale Chinese
Art from Two American Private Collections, lot 1113. Compare
also a yellow-glazed waterpot of similar shape and size, incised
with dragon roundels, in the Sir Percival David Foundation
of Chinese Art, published in Rosemary Scott, Illustrated
Catalogue of Ming and Qing Monochrome Wares in the Percival
David Foundation of Chinese Art, London, 1989, pp. 30-31, no.

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