Page 46 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 46


PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT PRIVATE                    明永樂 青花輪花紋綬帶耳葫蘆扁壺
AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE                                 仇焱之(1910-80年)收藏
BLUE AND WHITE ‘ROSETTE’                              香港蘇富比1981年5月19日,編號408
MOONFLASK, BIANHU                                     出光美術館,東京

superbly modelled after a Middle Eastern              出版:
metalwork prototype, with a flattened spherical       仇焱之及林仰山,〈永樂宣德靑花磁研究〉
body with two domed sides resting on a                ,《東方文化》,卷4,第1-2期,1957-58
rectangular footring with rounded corners,            年,1961年重印,頁108-116,圖版 VII-VIII
surmounted by a waisted neck and small bulb-
shaped mouth, flanked by a pair of gracefully
arched handles extending from the upper neck to
the narrow sides plainly decorated with two lines,
each main side of the body brilliantly painted in
rich cobalt blue with linked ruyi heads overlapping
elongated petal lappets interspersed with trefoil
flowers, all radiating out from a central wheel-
shaped medallion and enclosed within a classic
scroll border along the edge, below a foliate
scroll band of asters and carnations collaring the
lower mouth, the lobed terminals of the handles
similarly adorned with floral sprays
32.5 cm, 12¾ in.


Collection of Edward T. Chow (1910-80).
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 19th May 1981, lot 408.
Idemitsu Museum of Art, Tokyo.


E.T. Chow and F.S. Drake, ‘Yung-lo and Hsüan-t’e:
A Study on Chinese Blue-and-White Porcelain’,
Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. IV, nos 1-2, 1957-
58, reprint, 1961, pp. 108-116, pls VII-VIII.

HK$ 30,000,000-40,000,000
US$ 3,870,000-5,160,000

Journal of Oriental Studies, 1957-58, reprint, 1961

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