Page 51 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 51

In its finely potted form and exquisite smooth white glaze, this    third example of slightly smaller size, from the Severance and
moonflask (bianhu) embodies the classic style of the imperial       Greta Millikin Collection and now in the Cleveland Museum
court during the Yongle period. Although moonflasks of this         of Art, Cleveland, was included in the Museum’s exhibition
type are better known by their underglaze-blue decorated            The Severance and Greta Millikin Collection, 1990, cat. no. 42.
counterparts, the white-glazed versions are considerably rarer.     Two moonflasks attributed to the Xuande period include one
                                                                    in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Zhongguo taoci
The celebrated ‘sweet-white’ glaze was specially devised by         quanji [Complete collection of Chinese ceramics], vol. 13,
commission of the Yongle Emperor by potters working at the          Shanghai, 2000, pl. 13; and another in the Shanghai Museum,
imperial kilns at Jingdezhen. Also known by connoisseurs as         published in Zhongguo meishu quanji. Gonyi meishu bian
tianbai, the glaze was exclusively reserved for monochrome          [Complete series on Chinese art: Arts and crafts section], vol.
vessels produced during his reign. The immense difficulty in        3, Shanghai, 1988, pl. 73.
creating tianbai specimens is evident in the numerous finds at
the Ming imperial kiln site at Jingdezhen. These tianbai sherds     Undecorated moonflasks of this form and glaze were also
account for over 98% of finds in two consecutive Yongle strata      produced; see two sold in these rooms, the first, 11th May
at the eastern section of Zhushan Zonglu in Jingdezhen city,        1983, lot 108, and the second, 5th November 1996, lot 764;
attesting to the small quantity that were fired satisfactorily and  and another, but lacking a foot, excavated from the waste
therefore delivered rather than destroyed (see the catalogue        heaps of the Ming imperial kilns, included in the exhibition
to the exhibition Imperial Porcelain of the Yongle and Xuande       Imperial Hongwu and Yongle Porcelain Excavated at
Periods Excavated from the Site of the Ming Imperial Factory        Jingdezhen, Chang Foundation, Taipei, 1996, cat. no. 91, where
at Jingdezhen, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1989,            the author notes that the later versions have an oval footring
p. 19).                                                             (see p. 244). Another plain white moonflask is illustrated in
                                                                    Sir John Addis, ‘Hung Wu and Yung Lo White’, Transactions
The term tianbai is thought to be coined by the late-Ming writer    of the Oriental Ceramic Society, 1975-77, col. pl. 41, pl. 30a,
Huang Yizheng, in his Shiwu ganzu [Purple pearl (memory             from a small group of fine white-glazed pieces from the Palace
bead) for remembering things] of 1591, where he characterises       Museum, Beijing, where he suggests that the incised white
the glaze as ‘white like congealed fat, immaculate like piled-      wares were made from c.1420 until the death of the Yongle
up snow’ to describe its luxuriousness and purity. Developed        Emperor in 1424.
from the blue-tinted qingbai (‘bluish-white’) ware of the Song
dynasty (960-1279) and the matt and opaque shufu wares              The more widely known blue and white bianhu of this type
of the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368), the whiter appearance was          include one in the collection of the Ottoman sultans in Turkey,
achieved by producing the glaze almost entirely from glaze          illustrated in Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics in the Topkapi
stone with no or little glaze ash (burned limestone), therefore     Saray Museum, Istanbul, London, 1986, vol. 2, pl. 616; one from
containing less calcium carbonate than contemporary                 the Shanghai Museum, Shanghai, included in the exhibition
Jingdezhen white glazes. Furthermore, a pure white and fine         Shanhai Hakubutsukan shozō seika jiki ten: meihin de tadoru
porcelain was created through the combination of kaolin-rich        Gen, Min, Shin jidai no sometsuke [Blue and white porcelains
paste with very low levels of iron and titanium.                    from the Shanghai Museum: Development of blue and white
                                                                    wares from Yuan to Qing dynasty], Matsuya Ginza, Tokyo,
Moonflasks of this incised type are rare; a closely related         1988, cat. no. 16; and another, from the Jingguantang and
example was sold in our New York rooms, 21st/22nd                   Huang Ding Xuan collections, included in the exhibition In
September 2005, lot 63; one of slightly larger size, illustrated    Pursuit of Antiques. Thirty-Fifth Anniversary Exhibition of the
in John Alexander Pope, Chinese Porcelains from the Ardebil         Min Chiu Society, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1995,
Shrine, Washington, 1956, pl. 55, no. 29.458, sold in these         cat. no. 124, sold in these rooms, 29th October 1991, lot 29,
rooms, 31st October 1974, lot 111, is now in the collection of      and twice at Christie’s Hong Kong, 3rd November 1996, lot
The Asia Society, New York, illustrated in Denise Patry Leidy,      545, and, 28th November 2006, lot 1512. See also lot 3608 in
Treasures of Asian Art. The Asia Society’s Mr and Mrs John          this sale.
D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection, New York, 1994, pl. 170; and a

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