Page 68 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 68


A FINE BLUE AND WHITE BARBED                          明永樂 青花纏枝花卉菱式折沿盤
MING DYNASTY, YONGLE PERIOD                           來源:
                                                      Spink & Son,倫敦,1967年6月
well potted with rounded sides divided into twelve    F. Gordon 及 Elizabeth Hunter Morrill 伉儷
bracket foliations, rising from a short tapered foot  收藏
to a barbed everted rim, painted in vivid tones       紐約 Doyle’s,2003年9月16日,編號81
of cobalt blue with ‘heaped and piled’ accents,       香港蘇富比2013年4月8日,編號3018
the slightly recessed interior centred with a large
barbed medallion of lotus, surrounded by blooms       展覽:
of camellia, lotus, chrysanthemum, mallow             《Recent acquisitions》,S. Marchant &
and dianthus borne on foliate scrolls within a        Son,倫敦,2004年,編號1
barbed border, further encircled around the           《Ming Porcelain》,Marchant,倫
cavetto by detached sprays of chrysanthemum,          敦,2009年,編號2
pomegranate, hibiscus, peony, morning glory
and lotus, each repeated twice and paired across
the dish, save for the lotus matched with another
blossom, below a border of crested waves on the
the rim, the exterior painted with similar detached
floral sprays within double line borders, the base
and bevelled footring left unglazed
33.7 cm, 13¼ in.


Spink & Son, London, June 1967.
Collection of Mr F. Gordon and Mrs Elizabeth
Hunter Morrill.
Doyle’s New York, 16th September 2003, lot 81.
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8th April 2013, lot 3018.


Recent acquisitions, S. Marchant & Son, London,
2004, no. 1.
Ming Porcelain, Marchant, London, 2009, no. 2.

HK$ 5,000,000-7,000,000
US$ 645,000-905,000

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