Page 70 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 70

The present dish is a fine example of the technical               此永樂青花盤雅致亮麗,乃明初瓷匠技術發展成就之佳
developments achieved by the early Ming dynasty. Yongle           證。永樂造瓷以其濃豔鈷藍著稱,發色濃淡相宜,變化微
porcelains are characterised by their particularly deep blue      妙。鈷藍積處呈現銀黑結晶之斑點,濃深色澤對比瓷胎之
cobalt, which fired to a dark deep blue in some parts and pale    潔白細緻,更顯奪目。
blue in others. This silvery-black and crystal-like separation
of colours is known as the ‘heaped and piled’ effect, and the     十四世紀風行一時的花繁枝盛之牡丹或蓮紋,至十五世紀
intensity of tones was highlighted by the finely potted white     初,改由細膩多姿的折枝花卉代之,此乃瓷藝紋飾發展史
body of the porcelain clay.                                       上的一大創新。如此盤內壁所飾折技花卉,圈以捲延枝
One of the decorative innovations of early 15th century wares     組,是以相同的花卉落在對角兩端,遙相呼應。
was the use of separate floral sprays or bunches of flowers
in the cavettos instead of the continuous scroll. The heavy       伊斯坦堡托普卡比宮殿博物館藏一相似例,載於康蕊君,
wreath of lotus or peony found on 14th century dishes gave        《Chinese Ceramics in the Topkapi Saray Museum,
way to more varied series of formalised motifs. 12 flower         Istanbul》,John Ayers 編,倫敦,1986年,卷2,
sprays consisting of two sets were commonly repeated in           圖版601。另一例為大維德基金會收藏,現貯大英博
order so that each flower was diametrically opposite its pair.    物館,錄於《Oriental Ceramics. The World’s Great
With each flower spray encircled by a circular stem with leaves,  Collections》,卷6,東京,1982年,圖版76。台北故
the present dish is characteristic of the delicate variety that   宮博物院藏一例,見《明代初年瓷器特展目錄》,國立
occurred within Yongle design schemes.                            故宮博物院,台北,1982年,編號38。還有一盤錄於《
A similar dish in the Topkapi Saray Museum, Istanbul, is          京,1976年,圖版753。瑞典斯德哥爾摩東亞博物館藏兩
illustrated in Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics in the Topkapi      例,其一見 Jan Wirgin,《Chinese Ceramics from the
Saray Museum, Istanbul, vol. II, London, 1986, pl. 601; another   Axel and Nora Lundgren Bequest》,斯德哥爾摩,1978
in the Percival David Foundation is published in Oriental         年,圖版27,編號25;另一為瑞典國王古斯塔夫六世.
Ceramics. The World’s Great Collections, 1982, vol. 6, no.        阿道夫舊藏,載於《東洋陶瓷大觀》,卷8,東京,1982
76; one in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, was included       年,圖版216。一例為 Mottahedeh 舊藏,錄於 David
in the Special Exhibition of Early Ming Porcelains, National      Howard 及 John Ayers,《China for the West, Chinese
Palace Museum, Taipei, 1982, cat. no. 38; a fourth is published   Porcelain and Other Decorative Arts for Export》,紐
in Mayuyama. Seventy Years, vol. 1, Tokyo, 1976, pl. 753;         約,1978年,卷1,頁12,二度售於紐約蘇富比,分別為
other dishes of this design include two in the Museum of          1976年3月20日,編號113及2000年9月20日,編號105
Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm, illustrated in Jan Wirgin,    。另可比較一例,曾列展於杜倫 Gulbenkian 東方藝術與
Chinese Ceramics from the Axel and Nora Lundgren Bequest,         考古博物館,先後售於倫敦佳士得2004年11月9日,編號
Stockholm, 1978, pl. 27, no. 25, and one in the Swedish Royal     131及香港蘇富比2016年10月5日,編號3630。
Collection, published in Oriental Ceramics. The World’s Great
Collections, vol. 8, Tokyo, 1982, pl. 216. An example from the    且參考紋飾相仿但折沿飾卷蓮紋之永樂大盤,售於倫敦蘇
Mottahedeh Collection, illustrated in Michael Howard and          富比1972年3月14日,編號132,後再售香港蘇富比1976
John Ayers, China for the West. Chinese Porcelain and Other       年11月29日,編號463及2009年4月8日,編號1670,曾
Decorative Arts for Export, vol. 1, New York, 1978, p. 12, was    展於《Chinese Art from the Reach Family Collection》
sold in our New York rooms, 20th September 2000, lot 105.         ,埃斯卡納齊,倫敦,1989年,編號35。或另一近售於香
Another comparable example was on loan to the Gulbenkian          港蘇富比2016年10月5日之例,編號3715。
Museum of Oriental Art and Archaeology, Durham, sold at
Christie’s London, 9th November 2004, lot 131 and again in        2014年倫敦大英博物館舉辦的《明:盛世皇朝50年》展覽
these rooms, 5th October 2016, lot 3630.                          中討論了中國和中東之間就青花瓷器的密切互動關係,見
Compare also a Yongle dish of similar pattern, but with delicate
lotus scrolls instead of waves around the barbed rim, sold in
our London rooms, 14th March 1972, lot 132, in these rooms,
29th November 1976, lot 463, and again 8th April 2009, lot
1670, and exhibited in Chinese Art from the Reach Family
Collection, Eskenazi, London, 1989, cat. no. 35; and another
sold recently in these rooms, 5th October 2016, lot 3715.

The close interaction between China and the Middle East as
reflected in blue and white porcelain of the early Ming dynasty
is discussed in the exhibition catalogue Ming: 50 Years that
Changed China, the British Museum, London, 2014, pp. 86-95.

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