Page 126 - Mounted Oriental Porcelain Getty Museum
P. 126
Alaterre, Julien, 48 popularity, 17, 20 n. 69 Charles III of Durazzo, 4
Anglesey Abbey, Cambridgeshire, 24 Yuan dynasty, 3 Chelsea ware, i
Anjou, Louis due d', 3, 4 Boar's head mark, 48, 51 Chenghua emperor, reign mark, 71 n. i
Argenville, Dezallier d', 12 Bogaert, Martin van den (Desjardins),9 Chenivix, Mrs., 18 n. 7
Arita porcelain, 1 1 1 Boisset, Randon de, 80 Chinese art, impact on Europeans, 1 2
sale, 15, 19 n. 46, 80 Chinese dynastic and imperial reign dates,
lidded bowl, cinnabar-red overglaze Bolingbroke, Lord, i
enamel, with silver mounts, 45-47 Boulle marquetry, 98 no
Bowl, Yongzheng porcelain (crackle) with Chinese Imari, 52-53
lidded bowls, blue cobalt underglaze, Chinoiserie, 18 n. 2
with gilt-metal mounts, 2,2-25 gilt-bronze mounts, 88-92 Cinnabar-red overglaze, 45, 47
Bowl and stand, Imari porcelain with gilt- Ciseleur, 61, 70, 78, 88, in
pair of potpourri bowls with gilt-bronze Clement XIV, Pope, 14
mounts, 80-84 bronze mounts, 52-53 Cleveland, Duchess of, 9
British Museum, London Cloissonne enamel
Arnould, Jean, 9
L'Astree (Urfe), in Diirer drawing of porcelain columns ewer, Qianlong reign, 1 1
Augustus the Strong of Saxony, 7, 93 with European mounts, 5 Coat of arms, 52, 52 n. i
Aumont, Louis-Marie-Augustin, due d', n, Compagnie de la Chine, 9
mounted blanc-de-chine teapot, 93 Comte, Meiffren, 24
16, 29, 108, 109 British Royal Collection, 102 Conde, Prince de, 1 1
Aze (fondeur), 16 Britton, John, 4 Confucianism, impact on European
Brongniart, Alexandre, 14
Baldock, E. H. Jr., 69 Brush holder, Chinese blue-and-white, with thought, 13-14
Bart, Sir Charles Booth, 56 Confucius, 93
Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich, silver-gilt mounts, 24 Cordier, Charles, 42, 45, 48
Buddhist "precious things," 29, 36, 45 Crackled ware, 17, 69, 88-92, 93, in
33.35 Burat, Madame Louis, 3 2 n. 6 Crowned C mark, 36, 39, 58, 61, 68,
Bay-lep, 29 Butterfly mark, 42
Beckford, William, 4, 18 n. 3 69,72
Belanger, Joseph, 108 Caffieri, Jacques, 1 6
Bensimon Collection, Paris, 106 Calebasse (double-gourd), 101 n. 2 Daguerre, Dominique, 70, 108 n. 5
Berlin Kunstbibliothek, 17 Cambaceres, Ives, comte de, 65, 65 n. 7 Dangeau, Marquis de la, 10
Berry, Maecenas Jean due de, 3 Cartouche, 22, 76 Danloux, Henri-Pierre, 1 5
Beurdeleys, 16 Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, 6, j Decorative groups, pair of
Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris Celadon porcelain, 1 1 1
Kangxi, Qianlong, and Chantilly porce-
drawing for perfume fountain, 1 6 bowl, Ming dynasty, with English silver- lain, with gilt-bronze mounts, 54-57
Bijoux, 10 gilt mounts, 5-7
Blanc- de- chine Dehua ware, 48, 85, 93
bowl, Sung period, with silver-gilt Delhom Gallery and Institute, The Mint
figure and cup with flowers, in gilt- mounts, 4, 5
bronze cage, 20 n. 72 Museum of Art, Charlotte, NorthCar-
conch-shaped potpourri bowls, pair of, olina, 95 n. 6
pair of lidded vases with silver mounts, with gilt-bronze mounts, 80-84
48-51 Desjardins (Martin van den Bogaert),9
lidded potpourri bowl, Kangxi, with Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth
teapots, 93,95 gilt-bronze mounts, 66-71
Blenheim Palace, England, blanc-de- chine rouleau vases, 3 2
Ming dynasty, with German silver-gilt Dodge, Mrs. Anna Thompson, 85
teapot, 93,95 mounts, 5 Dog's head mark, 44
Bleu celeste, 82 Doom, Baron and Baronne Cassel van, 106
Bleu souffle, 102, in popularity in eighteenth century, 17 Doreurs, 2
Block molds, 95 in Portrait of Pierre-Victor, baron de Double-gourd vases, pair of, Kangxi porce-
Blue-and-white porcelain
Besenval, 15 lain with gilt-bronze mounts, 96-101
bottle, Wanli period, with silver-gilt Qianlong porcelain vase with gilt-bronze Doucet, Jacques, 3 2 n. 6
mounts, 6, 7 Dou mu hu, 29
mounts, 76-79 Dove mark, 45, 47, 51
Ming dynasty, 4 AM Chagrin de Turquie, 2
Ming dynasty, as silver-gilt hinged Chantilly Manufactory, decorative groups, 113
box, 7 pair of, with gilt-bronze mounts,