Page 128 - Mounted Oriental Porcelain Getty Museum
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Lennard, Samuel, 6, 7 salmon's head, 42, 44 supercession of silver-gilt by gilt-bronze,
Lennard cup, 6, 7 Marot, Daniel, 7, 8
Leybourne Popham sale, 1 6 Martin brothers, 2 11-12
Li Bai, 93 Mary II, Queen, 7
Lidded bowls Matte gilding, 108 Musee du Louvre, Paris, 61
Mazarin, Duchesse de, 108 Musee Guimet, Paris, 29, 36
Arita porcelain with silver mounts, Medici, Piero de', 3 Musee Jacquemart-Andre, Paris, 3 2
Meissen porcelain, i, 12, 17 Musee Nissim de Camondo, Paris, 57, 78
45-47 Menus Plaisirs, 108 Museo Civico, Bologna, 7
Imari porcelain with silver mounts, Metropolitan Museum of Art,New York Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 82
Mu Wang, 26
33-35, 4^-44 blue-and-white porcelain, Wanli period,
pair of, Arita porcelain with gilt-metal with silver-gilt mounts, 7 National Museum of Ireland
Gaignieres-Beckford ewer, 4
mounts, 2.2,— 2,5 porphyry urn, 102
Lidded jars, pair of watercolor design for mounted lidded National Palace Museum, Taipei, 29
Neoclassical style, 14
Chinese Imari with gilt-bronze mounts, bowl, 70 New College, Oxford
58-60 watercolor drawings of mounted porce
celadon bowl, Ming porcelain, with
Kangxi porcelain with gilt-bronze lain, 1 6 English silver-gilt mounts, 5-6
mounts (1710-15), 30-32 Minerva head mark, 48, 51
Ming dynasty, 5,48 Nocq, Henri, 3 6
Kangxi porcelain with gilt-bronze Le Notre, 10
mounts (1715—2,0), 36-41 celadon bowl, with English silver-gilt Novissima Sinica (Leibnitz), 13
mounts, 5-7
Lidded pot, hexagonal Oppenheim sale, 16
Kangxi porcelain, from Dehua, with gilt- celadon bowl, with German silver-gilt Oriental Ceramic Art (Bushell), 56
bronze mounts, 93-95 mounts, 5 Ormoulu, 57, 70, 78
L'Orphelin de la Chine: Les Morales de
Lidded potpourri bowl, Kangxi porcelain cinnabar-red overglaze in, 45
with gilt-bronze mounts, 66-71 cloissonne enamels, 1 1 Confucius en Cinq Actes (Voltaire), 13
Xuande reign, blue glazes, 1 1 Osmond, Robert, 16
Lidded vases, Kangxi porcelain, from Mirror black ware (wu j u ) , 96-101
Dehua, with silver mounts, 48-51 Monochrome wares, 17 A La Pagode, 17
Monseigneur, the Grand Dauphin Pagode /Pagoda, 20 n. 71
Liechtenstein, Prince of, collection, 24 inventory of, 10, n, 19 n. 39, 29 Paillet, A. J., n
Lignereux, Martin-Eloi, 108 n. 5 Montebello, duchesse de, 16 Panpipes, 106
Lingzhi (mushroom of Immortality), 61 Montespan, marquise de, 9 Paris, mounting in, i
Lister, Dr. Martin, 10 Montesquieu, Baron de La Brede et de, Parrots, Chinese, 57
Livre Commode, 10 Pembroke, Robert, Earl of, 1 6
Livre-journal (Lazare Duvaux), 2, 12, 14, I3> J4 Perrin, Jacques, 108 n. 2
Persian glass bowl with Byzantinesilver-gilt
1 6, 64 Moody salt, 25
Lopez-Willshaw, Arturo, 44 Mordant, 96 mounts, 3
Louis, Grand Dauphin. See Monseigneur Morgan, J. P., 7 Pewter, n
Louis the Great of Hungary, 4 Mounted porcelain Phaulkon, Constantinos, 9
Louis XIV,i, 9, ii Philip II of Spain, 18 n. 23
Louis XV,i, 2, 12, 13-14 combined oriental and European, 17 Philip of Austria, 5
Louis XVI, 14, 15 decorative vs. functional, 17, 18 n. 6 Philip V of Spain, 10
Lubormirska, Princess Isabella, 104, 105 designs for, 16-17 Pitoin, Quentin-Claude, 16
Lute, 36,76, in history of, 2-3 Place Vendome, 1 6
oldest surviving object, 18 n. i Pompadour, Madame de, 13, 64, 88
Magnolia (yulan), 106 popularity of after 1857, 16 Pompadour, Marquise de, 2
Magot, 20 n. 71 popularity of in mid-eighteenth century, Porcelaine craquelee, 17
Malebranche, Nicolas de, 14 Porcelaine de France, 14
Manderscheidt, Count Eberhardt von, I, 12 Porcelaine grise, 8 8
Porcelaine truittee, 17
19 n. 27 Mounts Porphyry urn, Metropolitan Museum of
Marchands-merciers, 2, 12, 14, 17, 47 Byzantine silver-gilt, 3
Marie-Antoinette, 15, 29, 108, 108 n. 5, gilt-bronze, 26-29, 52-53, 54-57, Art, New York, 102
58-60, 61-65, 66-71, 76-79, Portrait of Pierre-Victor, baron de Eesenval
109 80-84, 85-87, 88-92, 93-95,
Marks 96-101, 102-5 (Danloux), 15
gilt-bronze, attributed to Pierre Porzellanzimmer, j
boar's head, 48, 51 Gouthiere, 106-9 Potocki, Count Alfred, 104, 105
butterfly, 42 gilt-metal, 22-25 Potpourri, in
crowned C, 36, 39, 58, 61, 68, 69, 72 method of attachment, 1 8 n. 1 1
dog's head, 44
dove, 45,47, 51 silver, 33-35, 39, 45~47, 48-51
minerva head, 48, 51 silver-gilt, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 24
reign, Chenghua emperor, 71 n. i
reign, Ming Xuande emperor, 68, 70
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