Page 19 - Mounted Oriental Porcelain Getty Museum
P. 19
FIGURE 6. Cup of Chinese celadon
porcelain of the Ming dynasty with
English silver-gilt mounts, dating from
the early sixteenth century. Given by
Archbishop William Warham (circa
1450-1532) in 1530 to New College,
Oxford, of which he had been a fel-
low. By permission of the Warden and
Fellows, New College, Oxford.
Photo: J. W. Thomas.
FIGURE 7. Bowl of grayish-blue Chinese porcelain of the late FIGURE 8. Long-necked bottle of blue-and-white Chinese porcelain
sixteenth century mounted with silver-gilt as a communion cup for of the Wanli period with English silver-gilt mounts of around 1580,
Samuel Lennard, a London merchant. The mounts are struck with converting it into an ewer. It is one of a group of Wanli porcelains
the London date-mark for 1569-70 and were made by the silver- mounted at this time for William Cecil, Lord Burghley. New York,
smith using the mark FR. It is the earliest known fully marked piece The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1944 (44.14.2).
of oriental porcelain mounted in London. London, Percival David
Foundation, University of London.