Page 240 - Blum Feinstein Tanka collection HIMALAYAN Art Bonhams March 20 2024
P. 240
1750-1830 Robert Hall, 倫敦,1997年
Of six-petaled-flowerhead design of similar type to the five-petaled 蘇富比,香港,瑪麗及莊智博珍藏,第十部分,2015年5月31日,拍
mallow flowerhead, with notched edges, the petals incised with veins 品號185
and centered by a hatched central floret, with an everted neck with
shallow-cup-shaped rim and slightly concave top and small mouth, 出版:
supported on a hollowed petal edge at the foot. 莫士撝, Victor Graham 及曾嘉寶,《A Treasury of Chinese Snuff
1 13/16in (4.6cm) high, stopper Bottles: The Mary and George Bloch Collection》,卷五,第二部,香
$1,800 - 2,500
Moss et. al., ibid, p. 373, note that while the appearance of this bottle
1750-1830 透明淺藍料胎金葵花形鼻煙壺 suggests that it might have been carved from a solid block, its weight
and inner-neck detailing suggest it was blown. They further add that
Provenance: the bottle is an extremely unusual one, in the manner in which the
Jin Hing, Los Angeles. petals of the mallow flowers fold over the sides of the vessel in a
Robert Hall, London, 1997. somewhat abstract way.
Sotheby's Hong Kong, The Mary and George Bloch Collection, Part X,
31 May 2015, lot 185 For another of similar type, that has a slightly pale greenish cast to the
transparent glass, see Pamela R. Lessing Friedman, Chinese Snuff
Published: Bottles from the Pamela R. Lessing Friedman Collection, Denver, 1990,
Hugh Moss, Victor Graham and Ka Bo Tsang, A Treasury of Chinese pp. 36-37, no. 14, and formerly in the Arthur Gadsby Collection.
Snuff Bottles: The Mary and George Bloch Collection, Vol. 5, Part 2,
Hong Kong, 2002, pp. 373-374, no. 844 See also a transparent red glass example illustrated by Robert Hall,
The Maxwell Collection of Chinese Snuff Bottles, Hong Kong, 2013,
pp. 46-47, no. 89.