Page 29 - Song Ceramics From a Distinguished Collection, April 5, 2017 Hong Kong
P. 29
Playfully modelled as a kneeling mythological beast raising 此瓷塑擺件形態生動,瑞獸伸手置於嘴邊,作沉思狀。此
its hand to its mouth in a contemplative manner, this 類拙巧擺件常置於文人案頭以供把玩。浙江北部及江蘇南
charming piece belongs to a group of playful vessels made 部窰口均有燒製。三國西晉時期墓葬出土眾多蹲伏狀動
for the scholar’s desk that were produced in kilns in northern 物瓷塑,多為蟾蜍,然此類跪姿擺件甚罕,極近類例未見
Zhejiang and southern Jiangsu. Numerous vessels in the form 於世。
of crouching animals, mostly of toads, have been recovered
from tombs of the Three Kingdoms and Western Jin dynasty, 可比一相似例,動物站姿飲水狀,錄於《中國陶瓷全集》
although those modelled in this kneeling pose are rare and no ,卷4,上海,2000年,圖版32,另見一蹲伏蟾蜍例,藏
other closely related piece appears to have been published. 於浙江湖州博物館,圖版214。
Compare a water vessel in the shape of a standing animal
drinking from a cup, illustrated in The Complete Works of
Chinese Ceramics, vol. 4, Shanghai, 2000, pl. 32, together with
one modelled as a crouching toad, in the Huzhou Museum,
Zhejiang province, pl. 214.