Page 80 - Song Ceramics From a Distinguished Collection, April 5, 2017 Hong Kong
P. 80


A JUNYAO PURPLE-SPLASHED BOWL                                       宋至元 鈞窰天藍釉紫斑蓮子盌
well potted with steep sides rising from a short foot to a gently   出光美術館,東京
incurved rim, applied overall save for the footring with an         大村俊,香港,2002年8月17日
opaque pale greyish-blue glaze stopping short of the foot, the
interior and exterior liberally decorated with purple splashes,     展覽:
the unglazed foot revealing the grey body burnt orange in the       《宋代の陶磁》,出光美術館,東京,1979年,編號65
10.4 cm, 4 in.


Idemitsu Museum of Arts, Tokyo.
Tony Omura, Hong Kong, 17th August 2002.


Sodai no tōji [Song ceramics], Idemitsu Museum of Arts,
Tokyo, 1979, cat. no. 65.

HK$ 250,000-300,000
US$ 32,300-38,700

Purple-splashed Junyao bowls of this classic form are
remarkable for their understated elegance, offset by splendid
colouration displaying a range of blue and lavender tones.
Rose Kerr in Song Dynasty Ceramics, London, 2004, p. 34,
notes that the splashes found on Jun wares are made with
the application of copper brushwork or washes, which then
merge with the bluish Junyao glazes at full heat. This provides
a striking contrast to the thick bright blue glaze beneath, giving
each vessel decorated in this manner its unique design.

Compare a splashed Junyao bowl in the Palace Museum,
Beijing, illustrated in the Complete Collection of Treasures of
the Palace Museum. Porcelain of the Song Dynasty (I), Hong
Kong, 1996, pl. 225; and another from the Sir Percival David
Collection and now in the British Museum, London, illustrated
in Margaret Medley, The Chinese Potter, Oxford, 1976, fig. 83.
Two Jun splashed bubble bowls from the Edward T. Chow
Collection, amongst the best extant examples, were sold in our
London rooms, 16th December 1980, the first, lot 264, sold
again in these rooms, 19th May 1987, lot 209, from the T.T.
Tsui Collection; the second, lot 265, sold in our London rooms,
7th June 2000, lot 93.

78 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85