Page 148 - Fine Classical Paintings Sothebys March 15th 2017 NYC
P. 148

GLOSSARY FOR CHINESE FURNITURE                  The artists’ names recorded in this
                                                catalogue are not to be taken as
With respect to Asian hardwoods, the            unquali ed attributions to the artists
terms ‘Huanghuali’,‘Huali’‘Hongmu’‘Zitan’       named. No unquali ed attributions to any
and others appearing within single quotes       artist or date are made or intended. The
in bold or capital letters in the heading       current scholarship in the eld of Chinese
are descriptive identi cations based on         paintings and calligraphy does not permit
appearance, and are not intended to             unquali ed statements as to authorship
denote a speci c species.                       or date of execution. Therefore, the
                                                property in this catalogue is sold “AS
IMPORTANT NOTICES                               IS” in accordance with the Conditions of
                                                Sale and subject to a limited guarantee
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condition reports or catalogue descriptions     selection of purchases.
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IS” in accordance with paragraph 1 of the
Conditions of Sale.


Jadeite of Burmese origin less than 100
years old may not be imported into the
US. Certi cation of non-Burmese origin
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Scott Elam
Jon Lam
Scott Konzelman
Glenn Steigelman

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