Page 35 - Christie's Dec 2, 2015 Scholars Rocks, Hong Kong
P. 35

3004                                                                      清  英石「鳳翥」賞石

A YING ‘SOARING PHOENIX’ SCHOLAR’S ROCK                                   來源
QING DYNASTY (1644-1911)
The stone is vertically oriented with two overhangs supported on a        其原裝日本木盒盒蓋之背面書有大雅堂定亮寫於明治庚戌年 (1910)之題字,
narrow base, resembling a soaring phoenix with wings outspread,           指出此石為奧田雅家族珍藏,並因其形而被定名「鳳翥」。
the surface with deep crevices, ridges and circular apertures, the
stone of a dark grey tone.                                                大雅堂定亮(1839-1910)為京都畫僧、詩人,其父大雅堂清亮為京都雙林寺
12¡ in. (31.5 cm.) high, wood stand, Japanese wood box                    第三十七代主持,亦為著名畫家及詩人。此木盒上之題字反映出日本文士與
HK$700,000-900,000	  US$91,000-120,000
PROVENANCE                                                                譜》記英石「產溪水中」、「采人就水中度奇巧處鑿取」,因產自溪中,故部
Taigado Sadaaki (1839-1910)                                               有致,極具雅趣,自宋代開始一直深受文人愛戴,為「四大名石」之一。

The underside of the cover of the original Japanese wood box
is inscribed with the signature of Taigado Sadaaki, at the age of
72, with a Meiji gengxu cyclical date corresponding to 1910. The
inscription states that the present rock was in the family collection of
Okuda Masashi, and was named ‘Soaring Phoenix’ due to its form
which resembles a phoenix in flight. Taigado Sadaaki (1839-1910)
was a Kyoto-born monk accomplished in painting and poetry.

The origin of Ying stones is Yingde in Guangdong province, which
contributes to the name of this eponymous stone. Later examples
of Ying stone come from a variety of sources in Guangdong and
Guangxi provinces. Together with Lingbi, Taihu and Kun stones,
Ying stones are considered by connoisseurs as one of the ‘Four
Classic Scholar’s Rocks’. Characterised by a deeply ‘wrinkled’ and
‘dimpled’ surface with uneven ridges, Ying stones have been highly
esteemed by the Chinese literati, especially those in Southern China
where the stones originate.
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