Page 46 - Fine Chinese, Japanese and Buddhist Art September 28, 2018 Galerie Zacke
P. 46

                                                                                      A BLANC-DE-CHINE PORCELAIN FIGURE
                                                                                      OF GUANYIN, QING DYNASTY, DEHUA
                                                                                      Molded white porcelain with carved details,
                                                                                      impressed marks to backside
                                                                                      China, 19  century
                                                                                      The goddess stands on a rounded base with
                                                                                      an incised ocean-wave and -spray décor and
                                                                                      holds a woven openwork basket containing
                                                                                      a bunch of flowers in her right, and a spiky
                                                                                      lotus stem and flower in her left, a billowing
                                                                                      scarf trails down towards the base as she is
                                                                                      wearing her hair pinned-up and bedecked
                                                                                      with finely detailed tiara.

                                                                                      Shape: Sculptural
                                                                                      Weight: 1001 grams
                                                                                      Dimensions: Height 33,5 cm
                                                                                      Condition: Absolutely perfect condition,
                                                                                      which is rare on such a fragile piece!
                                                                                      Provenance: Austrian private collection

                                                                                      EstimateġEUR 300,-
                                                                                      Starting price EUR 150,-
            Made of several jointed pieces of dark
            hardwood, possibly Hongmu, with a                                                                                        35
            good patina                                                                                                              AN INDIGO BLUE SUMMER DRAGON ROBE, GUANGXU PERIOD
            China, late Qing Dynasty                                                                                                 Silk gauze with multi-colored silk threads, with woven application borders and loops at
                                                                                                                                     the collar and front, five gilt copper buttons, inside lined with silk
            This appealing two-story high table                                                                                      China, Guangxu period (1874 – 1908)
            is standing on four legs that end in
            lion paws atop little spheres. Lion                                                                                      This delicate silk gauze summer robe shows counted stitch embroidery with with gold-
            heads are supporting the tabletop,              34                                                                       wrapped and bright silk threads with nine five-clawed dragons pursuing ‘flaming pearls’
            with flowers carved underneath                   A SILVER ‘DRAGON’ WALKING CANE, QING DYNASTY                             amidst clouds, cranes, and auspicious emblems above crashing waves and lishui stripe.
            them. Intricate reticulated panels are          The shaft is made of black hardwood (possibly zitan), the handle of silver,
            found on all four sides of both stories         incised with fine openwork detail                                         Shape: Robe
            incorporating various fruits and plants         China, late 19  century, with faint silver- or manufacturer-marks on the mane   Dimensions: Total width (measured with stretched out sleeves) 190 cm; maximum length
            such as bamboo or pomegranates.                                                                                          134,5 cm
                                                            The handle with a fierce dragon baring his menacing fangs, with good detail   Condition: Excellent condition with only very few loose threads
            Shape: Square                                   work to his mane, scales and nostrils. Three-character engraving in Chinese   Provenance: Old German private collection
            Dimensions: 80 x 45 x 45 cm.                    and European monogram engraved to shaft of handle. The hardwood shaft
            Condition: Good condition with some             looks a bit like Zitan with its characteristic crab-claw-markings, but cannot be   Auction result comparison: Sotheby’s, SATURDAY AT SOTHEBY’S: ASIAN ART, 24
            wear and minor nicks here and there,            determined due to a later applied European shellac coating.              MARCH 2018, New York, lot 1599 (for a near identical robe)
            some older scratches
            Provenance: Austrian private                    Shape: Walking cane in L-shape                                           㶭⃱䵺⸜攻啵䲿䲵暚漵䲳╖堵
            collection                                      Weight: 305 grams                                                        ㍸剙䵊䶆炻䴚䵊夗塷炻Ḽᾳ挷慹戭憎
                                                            Dimensions: Length 87 cm                                                 ᷕ⚳炻⃱䵺㗪㛇ĩIJĹĸĵĮIJĺıĹĪ
            㶭ẋ䠔㛐晽梦暁Ⰼ檀儛㕡㟴                                    Condition: The cane with old wear, traces of use, minor dents and one small   ⑩䚠㤝⤥
            䠔㛐㛸岒炻⎰䎮㍐㷔䁢䲭㛐炻⊭㻧                                 repair nostril, the hardwood shaft with shellac coating                  ⽟⚳䥩Ṣ侩㓞啷
            列⤥                                              Provenance: Austrian private collection
            ᷕ⚳炻㘂㶭                                                                                                                    EstimateġEUR 800,-
            ⑩䚠列⤥                                            㶭ẋ戨㈲晽漵ㇳ㛾                                                                 Starting price EUR 400,-
            ⤏⛘⇑䥩Ṣ㓞啷                                         䠔㛐㛾幓(ㅱ䁢䳓㨨)炻戨⣿ㇳ㈲炻德晽漵椾
            EstimateġEUR 300,-                              ⑩䚠列⤥炻㚱ἧ䓐䕽嶉⍲ṃ姙䢐㎵
            Starting price EUR 150,-                        ⤏⛘⇑䥩Ṣ㓞啷

                                                            EstimateġEUR 200,-
                                                            Starting price EUR 100,-

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