Page 153 - Bonhams September 10 2018 New York Chinese Works of Art
P. 153

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           WANG SHIYI (17TH CENTURY)                         ATTRIBUTED TO DONG QICHANG (1555-1636)
           Fighting for Water                                Landscape
           Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper, inscribed and signed Wang   Hanging scroll, ink and color on gold-flecked paper,inscribed and
           Shiyi, with one artist’s seal reading Shiyi, colophons by Wang Shimin   signed Dong Xuanzai, with one seal of the artist Dong Qichang yin,
           (dated 1679), Shen Quan, and Chen Tingjing (dated 1679), with   with three collectors’ seals at lower left jinshi zhai cang, Shigen
           additional collectors’s seals, including tingfeng lou and Jize.    jiancang, and Yuan Hao shu?, and mounted with a colophon by Yuan
           37 x 20in (94 x 50.8cm)                           Hao (Qing dynasty), with four seals reading Yuan Hao, Shigen, motan
                                                             fo, and changsheng.
           $4,000 - 6,000                                    24 x 10 1/4in (61 x 26cm)
           王時翼 爭水圖 水墨紙本 立軸                                   $10,000 - 15,000

           The artist was a native of Taicang, cousin of Wang Shimin. The   (傳) 董其昌 山水 設色薩金箋 立軸
           painting described a group of peasants fighting over water. The three
           inscriptions on the painting all indicate farmers were suffering from a
           prolonged dry weather. Wang Shimin and Cheng Tingjing’s are both
           dated yiwei year (1679), a year historically recorded with a severe
           drought sweeping over the Jiangnan area.

           According to the titleslip and collector’s seals, the panting was
           formerly in the collection of Pan Zhengwei (潘正煒, 1791-1850).
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