Page 127 - November 2016 London Bonhams asian Art
P. 127


274                                             275                                         A similar pair of dishes is illustrated by D. S.
AN UNDERGLAZE BLUE AND                          A RARE PAIR OF ROSE-IMARI DISHES            Howard, The Choice of the Private Trader,
ENAMELLED ‘PRONK PORCELAIN’ TYPE                Yongzheng                                   London, 1994, p.57, pl. 30. This design
PART-GARNITURE                                  Each enamelled with a central scene with    seems to be related to Cornelis Pronk’s iconic
Mid-18th century                                a lady in a garden attended by an umbrella  ‘Dame au Parasol’. Interestingly, the fact that
Comprising two square section bottle vases      holding servant, the rims with cartouches   Pronk’s design was created over ten years
with scooped necks and tapering bodies, and     enclosing bats and insects, reserved on an  later suggests that the group to which this lot
two similarly formed candle sticks with wide-   unusual under-glaze blue diaper ground.     belongs may well have been its progenitor.
flaring mouths, all enamelled and painted with  Each: 21.5cm (8 1/2in) diam. (2).
floral sprays. The candlesticks: 18.2cm (7
1/8in) high (4).                                £1,500 - 2,500
                                                CNY13,000 - 22,000	 HK$15,000 - 25,000
£2,000 - 3,000
CNY17,000 - 26,000	 HK$20,000 - 30,000

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