Page 55 - 2020 October 8 Snuff Bottles
P. 55


               This is the largest known, and one of the most elaborate, of a series   A FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAIN‘SCHOLAR’ SNUFF
               of snuff bottles from the nineteenth century imitating wine jars in   BOTTLE
               protective basketwork.                            QIANLONG FOUR-CHARACTER SEAL MARK IN IRON RED IN A
               The characters on the bottle represent pieces in Chinese chess. There   SQUARE AND OF THE PERIOD (1736-1795)
               are some anomalies, however. Shuai 帥 (‘General’) is miswritten as shi   The bottle is decorated with a raised panel on each side,
               師 (a word that can refer to soldiers but is not the name of a chess
               piece); moreover, while shuai normally is used only for the General on   two panels depicting scholars in landscape, two panels with
               the red side, this bottle uses the name in both colours. Similarly, for   blossoming flowers. Together with a famille rose porcelain dish
               Elephants, Cannons, and Soldiers, only the names of the red team   decorated with flowers and inscribed on the base with a Guangxu
               (xiang 相、pao 炮、bing 兵) are used on this bottle, not the names for   six-character reign mark.
               the corresponding black pieces (xiang 象、pao 砲、zu 卒). Perhaps the   Bottle: 25 in. (6.6 cm.) high, porcelain stopper;
               designer of this bottle understood that a simple array of all the names
               of the fourteen pieces in black and red would be too sober for a wine   Dish: 1Ω in. (3.9 cm.) diam.  (2)
               jar—less interesting than a random pattern that is reminiscent of the
               board game.                                       HK$120,000-240,000              US$16,000-31,000
               清1810-1880年   五彩印圍棋竹籃紋梅瓶式鼻煙壺                      Bottle: Robert Hall, London
                                                                 The Ferrari Collection
               (連鬥彩蟠桃紋鼻煙碟)                                       Robert Hall, London, September 2012
                                                                 Dish: C. K. Liang, Jade House, Hong Kong, October 2003
               碟:Wilson珍藏,紐約蘇富比,1998年3月23日,拍品272號                清乾隆   粉彩礬紅開光高士圖鼻煙壺
               出版                                                粉彩花卉紋鼻煙碟)
               壺:莫士撝、薩進德,《水松石山房鼻煙壺珍藏:第二部 鼻
               煙壺美術中所見皇宮風趣以外的因素》,香港,2019年,編                      來源
               號21.3.466                                         壺:Robert Hall珍藏,倫敦
                                                                 Robert Hall珍藏,倫敦,2012年9月
                                                                 碟:C. K. Liang, Jade House,香港,2003年10月

                                                                                                 68 (marks)


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