Page 77 - 2020 October 8 Snuff Bottles
P. 77

出版                                                100
               壺:Robert Hall,《Chinese Snuff Bottles. From the Collection
               of Lionel Copley. VI》,倫敦,1993年,圖9號                A RARE SMALL JADEITE BOTTLE
               Susan Page及Robert Hall,《The SB Collection. Chinese Snuff   QING DYNASTY, 1800-1860
               Bottles XV》,2011年,圖55                             The bottle is of rounded cylindrical form, the greyish-white
                                                                 mottled stone with feathery dark bluish-green inclusions, the
               莫士撝、薩進德,《水松石山房鼻煙壺珍藏:第二部 鼻煙                        effect suggestive of a misty mountain landscape. Together with
               壺美術中所見皇宮風趣以外的因素》,香港,2019年,編號                      a jadeite snuff dish.
               31.3.837                                          Bottle: 2¼ in. (5.6 cm.) high, stopper;
                                                                 Dish: 1Ω in. (3.8 cm.) diam.                 (2)
               This item can only be shipped to addresses within Hong Kong or collected from our
               Hong Kong saleroom and office.                    HK$30,000-50,000                  US$3,900-6,400
                                                                 Bottle: Hugh M. Moss Ltd., London
               99                                                The Blanche B. Exstein Collection of Fine Chinese Snuff
                                                                 Bottles, sold at Christie’s New York, 21 March 2002, lot 235
               A SPINACH-GREEN JADE SNUFF BOTTLE                 Compare a nearly identical bottle in the collection of Mary and George
               PROBABLY IMPERIAL, 1720-1820                      Bloch illustrated in H. Moss, V. Graham, K.B. Tseng, A Treasury of
               The bottle is carved on each narrow side with a mask-and-ring   Chinese Snuff Bottles: The Mary and George Bloch Collection, Hong
               handle, the stone of a bright spinach-green tone with darker   Kong, 1995, vol. I, Jade, p. 448, no. 176.
               specks and areas of paler beige-green.
               Bottle: 2.¼ in. (5.6 cm.) high, tourmaline stopper;    清1800-1860 年   翠玉鼻煙壺(連翠玉鼻煙碟)
               Dish: 1æ in. (4.4 cm.) long                   (2)
               HK$15,000-30,000                  US$2,000-3,900  來源
               PROVENANCE                                        Blanche B. Exstein珍藏,紐約佳士得,2002年3月21日,拍品
               Bottle: Christie’s New York, 1 October 2008, lot 275 (part)
               清1720-1820年   碧玉獸面銜環耳鼻煙壺


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