Page 110 - Christie's Irving Collection Lacquer Bronse jade and Ink March 2019
P. 110

              L A C Q U E R  •  J A D E  •  B R O N Z E  •  I N K  T H E R V I N G  C O L L E C T I O N  髹金飾玉 - 歐雲伉儷珍藏

        812   SHIBATA ZESHIN (JAPAN, 1807-1891)
              The Narrow Road to Shu                                 柴田是真(1807-1891)   日本   蜀道難

              Hanging scroll, lacquer painting on paper, signed Tairyukyo Zeshin, aged 71,   題識:行年七十一叟,對柳居是真。
              followed by a seal reading Zeshin                      鈐印:是真
              20 x 15 in. (51 x 38 cm.), excluding mount             來源
              $30,000-40,000                                         長野正晴,東京。
                                                                     Klaus F. Naumann,東京,1987年。
              PROVENANCE                                             歐雲伉儷珍藏,編號1690。
              Masaharu Nagano, Tokyo.
              Klaus F. Naumann, Tokyo, 1987.
                                                                     《East Asian Lacquer from the Florence and Herbert Irving
              The Irving Collection, no. 1690.
              New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, East Asian Lacquer from the   著錄
              Florence and Herbert Irving Collection, 22 November 1991–23 February 1992.  屈志仁,Barbara Brennan Ford,《East Asian Lacquer: The Florence
                                                                     and Herbert Irving Collection》,紐約,1991年,編號148,頁290-91。
              James C. Y. Watt and Barbara Brennen Ford, East Asian Lacquer: The   柴田是真在之髹漆技術可謂登峰造極:他發明了可用於紙上繪畫,極富韌性之
              Florence and Herbert Irving Collection, The Metropolitan Museum of Art,   彩漆。用粘稠的漆來作畫難度極大,而用它來表現複雜的細節則堪稱展現了藝
              New York, 1991, no. 148, pp. 290-91.                   術家異乎尋常之耐心及鬼斧神工之技巧。本件畫作取材自中國,《蜀道難》故事
              Zeshin was a virtuoso technician: he invented fexible colored lacquers
              that could be used on paper. Painting with lacquer, a viscous and sticky
                                                                     瀑布急流,僅有狹窄的山道和木橋可供通行。 畫家嫺熟的將繁複的細節與其
              substance, was extremely dificult. The artist’s patience and skill in
              recreating delicate details is almost unimaginable. Here, he chose a
              Chinese subject that was much beloved in Edo-period painting, the path
              in the mountains of Shu in Sichuan province in southwestern China, where
              the Tang emperor Ming Huang fed with his concubine, Yang Gueifei.
              The capital of Chengdu appears in the distance at the far left, delicately
              rendered and obscured by mist. A precarious plank bridge crosses over
              the cascading river that cuts a deep gorge through dramatic, rugged
              mountains. The artist skillfully contrasts meticulous detail with forceful,
              swirling brushwork. This small hanging scroll, a technical tour-de-force,
              is without doubt one of Zeshin’s fnest lacquer paintings.

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