Page 108 - Christie's Irving Collection Lacquer Bronse jade and Ink March 2019
P. 108

              L A C Q U E R  •  J A D E  •  B R O N Z E  •  I N K  T H E R V I N G  C O L L E C T I O N  髹金飾玉 - 歐雲伉儷珍藏

        811   A RECTANGULAR LACQUER TRAY WITH DECORATION             柴田是真(1807-1891)   日本   江戶/明治時代十九世紀晚期
              SHIBATA ZESHIN (1807-1891), JAPAN, MEIJI PERIOD, LATE 19TH CENTURY  蒔繪月下秋興圖長方盤

              Decorated in polychrome lacquer and gold and silver makie,    款識:是真
              with two crickets amidst pampas grasses in a moonlit landscape,
              signed lower right Zeshin
                                                                     Klaus F. Naumann,東京,1990年。
              19º in. (49 cm.) long                                  歐雲伉儷珍藏,編號2936。
              $60,000-80,000                                         展覽
                                                                     《East Asian Lacquer from the Florence and Herbert Irving
              Klaus F. Naumann, Tokyo, 1990.
              The Irving Collection, no. 2936.                       著錄
                                                                     屈志仁,Barbara Brennan Ford,《East Asian Lacquer: The Florence
              New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, East Asian Lacquer from the
                                                                     and Herbert Irving Collection》,紐約,1991年,編號145,頁286。
              Florence and Herbert Irving Collection, 22 November 1991–23 February 1992.
              LITERATURE                                             柴田是真以他對自然的敏銳觀察將這件用於放置衣物的方盤髹飾成了一幅充滿
              Goke Tadaomi, Shibata Zeshin in Nihon no bijutsu 93, Shibundo, 1974, pl. 15.  詩意的月下秋興圖。藝術家用極低的視角構圖,描繪了一輪滿月從低緩的山丘
              James C. Y. Watt and Barbara Brennan Ford, East Asian Lacquer: The   上升起的夜景,蒔繪的月亮隱約放光,微微照亮山丘,山丘表明用漆表現土質,
              Florence and Herbert Irving Collection, The Metropolitan Museum of Art,   兩只黑漆蟋蟀佔據中心,右側勁厲的蒲草挂著銀色的露珠,與月亮、山丘的渾
              New York, 1991, no. 145, p. 286.                       圓形成對比。淺藍色的天空映襯著這猶如夢境的畫面。 這一貼近自然的景致就
              Zeshin, a keen-eyed naturalist, transforms a tray meant for clothing into an
              evocative moonlit landscape. Seen from a low vantage point, a full moon
              of pale, parchment-color lacquer illuminates a gently sloping hillock with
              mottled black lacquer surface. Two crickets stand out with startling, playful
              clarity in polished black lacquer. Pampas grasses echo the rounded forms
              of the moon and hillside in slender lines of gold and black lacquer weighted
              with silver dewdrops that glisten in the moonlight. The dark, green-brown
              sky enhances the dreamlike atmosphere. This intimate close-up of nature
              suggests a low window opening onto a garden in autumn, a season that
              evokes a sense of melancholy and regret for the passing of time. In Japan,
              gazing at the moon and listening to the sounds of insects have long been
              tranquil ways to spend an autumn evening.

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