Page 169 - Christie's Irving Collection Lacquer Bronse jade and Ink March 2019
P. 169
This fnely carved jade circular panel is mounted on an elaborate 此件插屏雕工精湛,層次分明,有如在玉上作畫,下承掐絲琺瑯龍紋坐構成坐
cloisonné enamel stand and would have been placed to decorate the side 屏,為清宮中桌、案上的經典陳設。玉插屏一般配以木座,奢華的乾隆宮廷器
or main tables in the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) imperial halls. Stands for 則往往配以紫檀座,像本器這樣配掐絲琺瑯座更屬珍罕。Wolfson爵士夫人藏
table screens are usually made of wood, with zitan being particularly prized 一件青玉插屏亦配有華麗的鎏金銅及掐絲琺瑯座,載於Victoria and Albert
for lavish imperial stands during the Qianlong period (1736-1795). It is Museum,《Chinese Jade Throughout the Ages》,倫敦,1975年,頁126
extremely rare to fnd a stand made from cloisonné enamel, as seen in the ,編號412。
present example. A similarly carved Qianlong-period green jade table screen
matched with an elaborate gilt-bronze and cloisonné enamel stand, from 乾隆皇帝對畫意玉器推崇有加,玉器畫片往往取自内府收藏之畫作,如五代關仝
the Lady Wolfson Collection, was included in the Oriental Ceramic Society
exhibition, Chinese Jade throughout the ages, London, 1975, p. 126, no. 412. 玉器進行了詩意的描述:「江城依巘復俯川,古寺野村樹隂翳,樹隂布緑春方曉,
The emperor Qianlong particularly advocated that jade carvings should 下三峡舟,不須張帆藉風力,似臨峻坂馳驊騮,十日一水五日石,豈啻其久費雕
carry the spirit of paintings by famous past masters. It is recorded that some 刻……」,見《清高宗御制詩三集》,卷86。
classical paintings from the emperor’s own collection were ordered to be
reproduced in jade, such as the well-known painting entitled Travellers in the 香港蘇富比於2018年10月3日拍賣一件乾隆白玉圓插屏,雕工與本器相似亦帶
Mountain by the eminent painter Guan Tong, of the Five Dynasties period
(AD 907-960). Jade landscape carvings of this type were particularly favored 座屏,其山水畫片、雕工亦可資參照,拍品1511號。
by Qianlong. In one of his poems, Qianlong refers to a jade panel: “It is
carved into a panel with the scene of ‘A Riverside City on a Spring Morning’.
Imagination is exerted to turn the natural undulation or ruggedness into an
appropriate landscape... It takes ten days to carve with a tiny bit of water
and fve days to shape a piece of rock. The crafting is indeed very time-
consuming.” (see Yang Boda, “Jade: Emperor Chi’en Lung’s Collection in the
Palace Museum, Peking,” Arts of Asia, March-April 1992, p. 90).
A Qianlong white jade table screen depicting a similar landscape scene
with immortals, also with a cloisonné enamel stand, was sold at Sotheby’s,
Hong Kong, Important Chinese Art from the Collection of Sir Quo-Wei Lee,
3 October 2018, lot 102. See, also, the pair of Qianlong white jade table
screens with mountainous landscape scenes with scholars, sold at Christie’s
Hong Kong, Important Chinese Jades from the Personal Collection of Alan and
Simone Hartman Part II, 27 November 2007, lot 1511.