Page 172 - Christie's Irving Collection Lacquer Bronse jade and Ink March 2019
P. 172

              L A C Q U E R  •  J A D E  •  B R O N Z E  •  I N K  T H E R V I N G  C O L L E C T I O N  髹金飾玉 - 歐雲伉儷珍藏

       822    A FINELY CARVED SPINACH-GREEN JADE BRUSH POT           清十八世紀   碧玉雕通景仙山亭臺圖筆筒

              Intricately carved around the sides with a continuous mountainous   來源
                                                                     A & S Hartman珍藏,編號J138(根據標簽)。
              landscape, the rocks and trees framing various vignettes, including a
                                                                     Oriental Rarities,Ltd.,紐約,1979年。
              scholar accompanied by an attendant carrying a peach branch standing
              at the base of stairs leading up to a pavilion on a terrace above; a scholar
              and an attendant on a rocky path leading to a footbridge; a pair of deer;
              and another pavilion
              6æ in. (17.1 cm.) diam.                                短足。國立故宮博物院藏有兩件碧玉筆筒器形和本件筆筒相仿,載於
              $200,000-300,000                                       《宮廷之雅-清代仿古及畫意玉器特展圖錄》,台北,1997年,編號55及58。
                                                                     仙山樓閣圖,拍品411號。帶足例子可參見S. Nott著作,《Chinese Jades
              A & S Hartman Collection, no. J138 (according to label).
                                                                     Throughout the Ages》,倫敦,1937年,圖版CXXVI以及故宮博物院藏一
              Oriental Rarities, Ltd., New York, 1979.
              The Irving Collection, no. 318.
              A number of spinach-green jade brush pots of similar date have been
              published and can be divided into two groups: one with countersunk
              base such as the present example and the other with shallow tab feet.
              Two brush pots of similar form in the National Palace Museum, Taipei,
              are illustrated in The Refned Taste of the Emperor: Special Exhibition of
              Archaic and Pictorial Jades of the Ch’ing Court, Taipei, 1997, nos. 55 and 58.
              Another brush pot of this form decorated with a similar Daoism-inspired
              scene was sold at Christie’s, New York, 18 March 2009, lot 411. The footed
              examples include one illustrated by Stanley Charles Nott in Chinese Jades
              Throughout the Ages, London, 1937, pl. CXXVI, and one in the Palace
              Museum, Beijing, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the
              Palace Museum - 42 - Jadeware (III), Hong Kong, 1996, p. 207, no. 169.

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