Page 187 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Tantra Buddhost Art
P. 187

Ushnishavijaya, ‘Victorious Crown Ornament’, the goddess            尊勝佛母,頂戴寶冠,與無量壽佛、白度母合稱密宗長壽三
of long-life, is one of three special long-life deities along with  尊。據蔣揚欽哲旺波(1820-1892年)所述,尊勝佛母「身
the Buddha Amitayus and White Tara. Together they are               色淨白如秋月,三面八臂,正面白色,右面黃色,左面藍
known as the Three Long-life Deities of Tantric Buddhism.           色,每面皆各具三目。其右第一手持十字羯磨金剛杵,二手
In the words of Jamyang Kyentse Wangpo (1820-1892),                 持白蓮座,上為阿彌陀佛,三手持箭,四手作施願印;左第
Ushnishavijaya is “the colour of an autumn moon; with three         一手忿怒拳印持絹索,二手執弓,三手作施無畏印,四手持
faces, white, yellow and blue and eight hands. Each face has        甘露寶瓶;珍寶嚴飾自身,足結金剛跏趺坐。右側月上為白
three very large eyes. The first right hand holds a visvavajra,     色觀音菩薩,左手持蓮花;左側日上為藍色普賢菩薩,左手
second a white lotus with Amitabha residing, third an arrow         持青蓮花及金剛杵。兩者身披天衣,佩飾瓔珞,莊嚴而立,
and the fourth in supreme generosity. The first left holds a        左右脇侍。」
vajra lasso, second a bow, third bestowing protection and
fourth in meditative equipoise holding an auspicious nectar         此尊勝佛母像應以西藏例為模,參考一尊十七至十八世初西
vase; complete with silks and jewel ornaments, seated in            藏中部尊勝佛母像雛例,載於王家鵬,《清宮秘藏:承德避
[vajra] posture. Within the outer circle of the stupa, on the       暑山莊藏傳佛教文物》,台北,1999年,頁92,圖版26。
right [side of the chaitya], above a moon is Avalokiteshvara
with a body white in colour; the left hand holds a lotus. On the    西方收藏之鎏金銅尊勝佛母像,可見多倫多皇家安大略博物
left [of the chaitya], above a sun is Vajrapani, blue; the left     館藏一尊十八世紀西藏佛像,載於喜瑪拉雅藝術資源網,編
hand holds an utpala with vajra; standing in a peaceful manner      號77551。另有一中原例子,屬比利時 J.P.H.Y. 收藏,載
and adorned with silks and jewels.”                                 於烏爾裡希.馮.施羅德,《Indo-Tibetan Bronzes》,香
A Central Tibetan prototype, a bronze figure of Ushnishavijaya
from the 17th/early 18th century, is illustrated by Wang
Jiapeng, Buddhist Art from Rehol. Tibetan Buddhist Images
and Ritual Objects from the Qing Dynasty Summer Palace at
Chengde, Taipei, 1999, p.92, pl. 26. The current figure closely
adheres to the Tibetan example.

For gilt-bronze figures of Ushnishavijaya in Western
collections, see an 18th century Tibetan figure in the Royal
Ontario Museum, Toronto, illustrated on Himalayan Art
Resources, item no. 77551, and a Chinese figure from
the J.P.H.Y. collection, Belgium, illustrated by Ulrich von
Schroeder, Indo-Tibetan Bronzes, Hong Kong, 1981, pl. 157C.

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