Page 190 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Tantra Buddhost Art
P. 190


Displaying tremendous power and presence, this magnificent          Gilt bronzes of this exceptional quality and size depicting
group of Yamantaka Vajrabhairava and Vajravetali, arguably          Vajrabhairava and consort are extremely rare in the market,
the greatest example in private hands, demonstrates the             and no other figure of comparable quality has ever been
marriage of Nepalese and Tibetan sculptural elements with           offered at auction. The closest example sold at auction is
its rich gilding, powerful and sensuous physical modelling,         the 16th century example from the Sporer collection, sold at
complex and sensitive casting and chasing, and masterful            Christie’s New York, 15th September 2015, lot 18.
use of semi-precious stone inlay. On every area of the current
sculpture, details are rendered with meticulous attention           Yamantaka Vajrabhairava is one of the most formidable deities
to detail. The iconography of the ferocious emanation is            in the Tibetan Buddhist pantheon, the fearsome manifestation
articulated with truly elegant proportions and elegant spacing.     of the bodhisattva Manjushri, lord of transcendent wisdom.
                                                                    Vajrabhairava, the Adamantine Terrifier, stands in militant
The only other Tibetan fifteenth century gilt-bronze figure of      alidhasana with his eight legs planted on subdued gods,
this iconography of similar large size, elegance and proportion,    birds and animals, with a fan of thirty-four arms surrounding
is preserved in the Red Palace in the Potala collection, Lhasa,     his massive bulk. He grasps a panoply of solidly cast ritual
illustrated in Ulrich von Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures in         weapons and implements, including kartrika in the primary
Tibet, Hong Kong, 2001, vol. II, pp. 1050-1051, cat. no. 265B-C     right hand and a kapala filled with amrita in the primary left
(fig. 1). It shares several features, including the bulbous petals  hand. The buffalo-headed god of destruction bellows with
with stylised tips and lower edge of tiny pearls along the base     flaming lips parted and fangs bared, proclaiming triumph over
of the current figure. It is also applied with cold gold atop the   ignorance, suffering and death. The myriad arms and heads
gilded faces, with graceful draping of the bone ornaments           and trampling legs symbolise the deity’s total mastery over all
inlaid with turquoise, and rows of supine animals, birds and        elements that bind sentient beings to the wheel of existence,
figures trampled under the feet of the divine couple.               the constant cycle of birth and death, passions, desires and
                                                                    fears. The bull’s head signifies Vajrabhairava’s conquest of
However, the structural quality and casting of the current          the buffalo-headed god, Yama, the lord of death in ancient
figure transcends all other examples. Where typically the           Indian mythology, thus eliminating the obstacle of death
complex iconography of Yamantaka and Vajravetali is                 (yama-antaka) through the enlightened Buddhist state of
expressed in a formulaic manner, on the current sculpture           transcendent wisdom.
every minute detail is conveyed with individual artistic quality,
from the sharpness of the ferocious facial expressions,             The yidam and consort wear the tantric adornments of
through to the opulent jewellery and the skilfully rendered         the six bone ornaments representing the six paramitas or
attributes the figures are depicted holding, including the          perfections. These textural bone ornaments appear in beaded
kapala and ritual chopper. Even the various beings which            rows in the present work, and also represent the Five Dhyani
are depicted as being trampled upon retain their individual         Buddhas: (1) the crown of the head, symbolising dhyana or
identities, each with varying expressions of discomfort and         concentration and Buddha Akshobhya; (2) the earrings that
pain on their taut bodies. Unlike other recorded examples,          symbolise kshanti or patience and the Buddha Amitabha; (3)
including the Potala Yamantaka, the intricately cast base on        the necklace that symbolises dana or generosity and Buddha
the present lot has a superbly engraved scrolling cloud motif       Ratnasambhava; (4) the armlets and anklets that symbolise
along the upper platform, edged with a row of tiny pearls           shila or discipline and the Buddha Vairocana; (5) the girdle
above the double-lotus throne.                                      and apron that symbolises virya or exertion and Buddha
                                                                    Amoghasiddhi; and (6) the crisscrossed torso ornament that
                                                                    symbolises prajña or wisdom and Buddha Vajradhara. From
                                                                    Vajrabhairava’s neck hangs a garland of fifty-one severed
                                                                    heads strung on a length of human intestine and the hair of
                                                                    a corpse, signifying both the purification of speech and the
                                                                    purification of the fifty-one mental factors according to the
                                                                    Chittamatra or Mind-Only School as described by Asanga.

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