Page 257 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Tantra Buddhost Art
P. 257

Depicted dancing on one foot, trampling on Black Bhairava        此尊鎏金蒙古金剛佛母銅像,甚為罕見,底座蓮瓣造型誇
holding a blood filled skullcap in one hand, the other a         張,乃蒙古典型,從中可知其源。本尊形像圓潤,軀體曲線
khatvanga, and adorned with a crown of dry human skulls and      柔和,面容慈悲,有別於西藏造像輪廓分明之特質。然而
additional skulls draped around the body, with an elaborate      本像造型,全皆出自藏傳佛教。比較一例,造型相近,現藏
karttrika balance against the arm, this sensitively cast and     於巴黎吉美國立亞洲藝術博物館,約製於1700年,圖載於
richly gilded figure of Vajrayogini is a rare bronze sculpture   Marylin M. Rhie 及 Robert A.F. Thurman,《Wisdom and
from Mongolian. The characteristic Mongolian base, with          Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet》,紐約,1991年,頁
exaggerated lotus petals, is an immediate clue to its origin.    261,圖版94。
The sleekness of form of the gently curved body and the calm,
gentle demeanour is apparent. The characteristic sharpness       比較數例,蓮座相近,包括內蒙古察哈爾約製於1700年之文
of form in Tibetan sculpture is absent here. The iconography     殊菩薩及觀音坐像各一,現藏斯德哥爾摩 Folkens Museum
and form, however, is wholly derived from Tibetan Buddhism.      Etnografiska,出處同上,頁144-145,圖版35及36。再比較
Compare the similar iconography on the large gilt-copper         一蒙古十八世紀鎏金銅勝樂金剛立像,蓮座及軀體造型與面
figure of Vajrayogini in the collection of the Musee Guimet,     容刻劃均與本像相近,售於倫敦蘇富比2016年11月9日,編
dated circa 1700, illustrated in Marylin M. Rhie, and Robert     號132。
A. F. Thurman, Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of
Tibet, New York, 1996, p. 261, pl. 94.                           另可比較十九世紀蒙古鎏金銅例,現藏 Jacques Marchais
                                                                 Museum of Tibetan Art,圖載於 Barbara Lipton 及 Nima
For examples of other Mongolian gilt-bronze sculptures with      Dorjee Ragnubs,《Treasures of Tibetan Art: Collections
similar characteristic lotus bases, see the two figures of       of the Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art》,紐
Manjushri and Shadakshari Avalokiteshvara from Chahar,           約,1996年,編號53。
Inner Mongolia, circa 1700, now in the Folkens Museum
Etnografiska, Stockholm, illustrated ibid., pp. 144-145, pls 35
and 36. See also an 18th century Mongolian gilt-bronze figure
of Chakrasamvara, cast with similar lotus base and sharing
the same treatment of the body and similar expression, sold in
our London rooms, 9th November 2016, lot 132.

For a later Mongolian sculpture of Vajrayogini, see a 19th
century gilt-bronze example in the Jacques Marchais Museum
of Tibetan Art illustrated in Barbara Lipton and Nima Dorjee
Ragnubs, Treasures of Tibetan Art: Collections of the Jacques
Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art, New York, 1996, no. 53.

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