Page 261 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Tantra Buddhost Art
P. 261

fig. 1
                                                                  Gilt-bronze figure of Shakyamuni Buddha, mark and period
                                                                  of Yongle,
                                                                  from the Tuyet Nguyet and Stephen Markbreiter collection,
                                                                  Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 7th October 2010, lot 2142

The historical Shakyamuni Buddha is envisaged in this statue      358A; another, with the reign mark erased, is now in a private
seated at Bodh Gaya in eastern India, having vowed to remain      collection, Ulrich von Schroeder, Indo-Tibetan Bronzes, Hong
in meditation to penetrate the mystery of samsara. He was         Kong 1981, pl. 146D.
interrupted by the demon hordes of Mara, the ‘lord of the
senses’. The Buddha overcame their attempts at seduction          A closely related Yongle gilt-bronze Shakyamuni from the
and distraction, and in defiance moved his right hand from        Tuyet Nguyet and Stephen Markbreiter collection was sold in
the meditation position to touch the ground before him. The       these rooms, 7th October 2010, lot 2142 (fig.1). The size and
gesture, bhumishparsha mudra, signifies the moment of             iconography of the current figure is identical, but the form of
triumph over Mara in calling the earth spirit to witness his      the current figure slightly differs, more slender in proportion
claim to enlightenment.                                           with higher sloping shoulders. The treatment of the elegant
                                                                  lotus pedestal also departs from the standard convention
This classic iconography of Shakyamuni Buddha is famously         of Yongle bronzes, more sharply defined and curving out
represented in two complete Yongle altar shrines, one in the      at the tips. The overall condition is good, and it retains the
British Museum, illustrated in Wladimir Zwalf, ed., Buddhism:     consecration plate beneath engraved with the designated
Art and Faith, London, 1985, cat. 305, and the other from the     visvavajra.
Speelman Collection, sold in these rooms, 7th October 2006,
lot 808. Yongle reign-marked images of Shakyamuni Buddha          Other Yongle reign-marked gilt-bronze figures of Shakyamuni
in this smaller scale are relatively rare. Only one was recorded  include a classic version in the Palace Museum, Beijing,
in Ulrich von Schroeder’s survey of Tibetan monastery             illustrated in Splendors from the Yongle (1403-1424) and
collections, preserved in the Potala Palace, illustrated in       Xuande (1426-1435) Reigns of China’s Ming Dynasty, Beijing,
Buddhist Sculptures in Tibet, Hong Kong, 2001, vol. II, pl.       2010, p. 244, pl. 118, and the large example (55 cm) sold in
                                                                  these rooms, 8th October 2013, lot 3075.

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