Page 60 - Songde Tang Collection , Song ceramics Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 60
John Sparks, London (according to label)
DECORATED CONICAL A Japanese private collection, acquired in 來源
TEA BOWL the 1990s John Sparks,倫敦,根據標籤
SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY (1127-1279) EXHIBITED 日本私人珍藏,入藏於1990年代
The bowl is delicately potted with wide University Museum and Art Gallery, The
flared sides. The interior is decorated near University of Hong Kong, The Multiplicity 展覽
the centre with the gossamer imprint of a of Simplicity - Monochrome wares from the 香港大學美術博物館 ,《大繁若簡 - 宋金元朝
brownish-buff leaf against a dark-brown Song to the Yuan dynasties, 2012, no. 112 的單色釉瓷》,2012 年,圖版 112 號
glaze that thins to an amber colour at the The conical bowl form, such as on the
rim and ends above the shallow ring foot current ‘leaf’ bowl is the most revered 此盌貴於葉形工整,脈絡清晣,葉與盌間的大
exposing the buff body. form of Jizhou ‘leaf’ bowls. A similar Jizhou 小比例匹配,為吉州木葉天目上乘之作。
6¿ in. (15.5 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box ‘leaf’ bowl, classified as Important Cultural
Property, in The Museum of Oriental 可參考一件被日本定為「重要文化財」的木葉
Ceramics, Osaka, is illustrated by Asahi 天目茶盌,現藏大阪市立東洋陶磁美術館,
Shimbun, Song Ceramics, Tokyo, 1999, 刋於《東洋陶磁の展開》,大阪,1990年,
US$39,000-52,000 p. 117, no. 79. Another bowl of this type in 頁40。
the National Palace Museum collection
is illustrated in Songci tezhan mulu
(Illustrated Catalogue of Song Ceramics),
Taipei, 1978, p. 50, no. 20.