Page 71 - Songde Tang Collection , Song ceramics Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 71


               A DING ‘LOTUS POND’              北宋   定窯刻花水波蓮紋枕
               PILLOW                           展覽
               NORTHERN SONG DYNASTY (960-1127)  香港大學美術博物館 ,《大繁若簡 - 宋金
               The top is fluidly carved with lotus blossoms   元朝的單色釉瓷》,2012 年,圖版 34 號
               and leaves, all reserved against a combed
               wave ground within a double-line border.   定窯瓷枕傳世數量甚少,如此枕般體形碩
               The sides are decorated with overlapping   大的更為難得。
               waves partially filled with a combed motif.
               It is covered with a creamy glaze of slightly   北京故宮博物院藏有大小及器形相若的定
               yellowish tone.                  窯剔花瓷枕,見於《玉貌清明:故宮珍藏
               10æ in. (27.5 cm.) long, box     兩宋瓷器精品集》,澳門,2012年,圖48
               HK$150,000-250,000               阪市立東洋陶磁美術館《宋磁の美》,大

               University Museum and Art Gallery, The
               University of Hong Kong, The Multiplicity
               of Simplicity - Monochrome wares from the
               Song to the Yuan dynasties, 2012, no. 34
               A Ding pillow of similar form with incised
               decoration is illustrated in Beauty &
               Entirety - Ceramics of the Song Dynasty
               from The Palace Museum, Museum of Art
               in Macau, 2012, plate no. 48.

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