Page 70 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Buddhist Art Under Empire
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Padmasambhava (literally ‘lotus-born’ in Sanskrit), also known as Guru 此像為蓮花生大士,結全跏趺坐於蓮花座上,頭戴蓮花苞帽,並有
Rinpoche among Tibetans, is believed to be one of the principal masters 日、月雙輪。雙目炯炯有神,耳戴大圓璫。其右手結契克印持金剛
to bring Buddhism to Tibet and to teach the tantras in the 8th century.
He is depicted in numerous forms with different names representing 杵,左手平托嘎巴拉碗。附帶一件鎏金銅骷髏天仗法器。
outer, inner and secret aspects of his spiritual being, with the change of
names following the chronology of his life story. In the 5th century B.C., 蓮花生大士,又有「第二佛陀」之稱,僅次於釋迦牟尼佛。八世紀後期
Buddha Shakyamuni arrived as the founder of Buddhism. His teachings 由印度入藏弘法,創建僧團及桑耶寺而成為藏傳佛教的奠基者,為今寧
were subsumed by the Sutrayana and the Tantryana. In the 8th century, 瑪派所信奉。據悉其有多個化身,依其生平事跡以蓮師八變的方式呈現。
Padmasambhava personified the guru principle, the ritualistic path of
Buddhism and the heart of Vajrayana Buddhism. They are exemplified 可比較一件十五世紀下半葉,原為 Zimmerman 家族舊藏的類似例,
in its flourishing after it was introduced into Tibet and the Himalayas 其載於 Marylin M. Rhie 與 Robert A. F. Thurman 所著《Wisdom and
between the 7th and 11th centuries. Because of Padmasanbhava’s Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet》,紐約,1991 年,頁 172-173,
teachings and contribution, he is known as the ‘Second Buddha’.
圖版 47。另有一件十五世紀的比較例,曾為 Blanche C. Olschak 舊藏,
Compare the present figure with a closely related Padmasambhava, 載於U. von Schroeder所著的《Indo-Tibetan Bronzes》,香港,1981年,
dated to the second half of the 15th century and formerly in the 頁 449,圖版 120 號。
Zimmerman Family Collection, with copper and silver inlay and the
same seriously gazing eyes and delicate modelling of the features and 此外,還可參見兩件十七世紀的類似例,分別載於 Gerd-Wolfgang
ornaments, illustrated in Marylin M. Rhie and Robert A. F. Thurman, Essen 的《Die Gǒtter des Himalaya: Buddhistische Kunst Tibets》,慕尼
Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet, New York, 1991, pp.
172-173, pl. 47. Another example, circa 15th century and formerly in the 黑,1989 年,頁 86,圖版 II-183 號;及 Helmut Uhlig 所著《On the
Blanche C. Olschak Collection, is published in U. von Schroeder, Indo- Path to Enlightenment: The Berti Aschmann Foundation of Tibetan Art at the
Tibetan Bronzes, Hong Kong, 1981, p. 449, pl. 122C. Museum Rietberg Zürich》,蘇黎世,1998 年,圖版 120。
See also two later examples, both dated to the 17th century, illustrated
in Gerd-Wolfgang Essen, Die Götter des Himalaya: Buddhistische Kunst
Tibets, Munich, 1989, p. 86, pl. II-183 and Helmut Uhlig, On the Path to
Enlightenment: The Berti Aschmann Foundation of Tibetan Art at the
Museum Rietberg Zürich, Zürich, 1998, pl. 120, respectively.