Page 66 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Buddhist Art Under Empire
P. 66

2718 Continued

               Mahakala is both a protector and meditation deity in Tibetan Buddhism   大黑天為密宗中重要護法神,亦為專治疾病之醫神與財富之神,其形象
               and has countless manifestations of which the four-armed type is a   多樣,有雙臂、四臂、六臂三種。
               less common one. Caturbhuja Mahakala or the four-armed Mahakala is
               known in Tibet as Nakpachenpo and was originally a Brahmanic deity.   此像造型碩大,甚為罕見,其或原置於藏傳佛教寺廟當中。一件與其極
               In Tantric Buddhism he became not only a dharmapala or defender of   為類似的十二世紀四臂大黑天,為拉薩西藏博物館所藏,曾於 2004 年
               the Buddhist faith but also an important yidam or tutelary deity. By the
               sixteenth century he was named the yidam for the entirety of Mongolia.   展於洛杉磯的寶爾文化藝術博物館,可見於
               He remained popular with all Tibetans and in particular with the   exhibitions/bowers/8.html。另有兩件尺寸較小的類似例,其一為藏於美
               Saskyapa sect. He is often featured together with his own shrine and   國加州帕薩迪納的諾頓·西蒙藝術館的十五世紀四臂大黑天 ( 高 17.1 公
               typically depicted in a seated position with two hands extended to the   分,館藏編號:626.449.6840);其二為來自 Lionel and Danielle Fournier
               sides brandishing a sword and staff.              of Himalayan Art 的舊藏,在 2018 年 12 月 12 日於佳士得巴黎所拍的拍
               The size of the current lot is extremely rare. In consideration of the   品 46 號 ( 高 17.5 公分 )。
               rather large size and quality, one may suggest that the figure was once
               housed in an important temple chapel. A close example dated to the
               12th century is in the Tibet Museum in Lhasa which was included in
               the exhibition of Tibet: Treasures from the Roof of the World at the
               Bowers Museum of Cultural Art in 2004 and is illustrated online at
      There are two
               smaller examples, one (17.1 cm. high) dated to the 15th century in the
               Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, California, inventory number
               626.449.6840; and another, dated to the 16th century, formerly in the
               Lionel and Danielle Fournier private collection of Himalayan art, sold at
               Christie’s Paris, 12 December 2018, lot 46 (17.5 cm. high).

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