Page 61 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Buddhist Art Under Empire
P. 61
2717 Continued
The present emblems belong to a set of imperial Eight Buddhist 此二件供器頂端分別為八吉祥中的「華蓋」及「寶瓶」,原為一套八件,
Emblems specially commissioned by the Qing Court for placement 另外六件為「法輪」、「法螺」、「華蓋」、「蓮花」、「雙魚」,及「盤
on Buddhist altar tables for ceremonial uses in palaces and temples
either within the Forbidden Palace or the Bishushanzhuang in Chengde. 長」。北京紫禁城梵宗樓供桌上有一套粉彩八吉祥供具,其造型與本二
The complete set of eight comprises the wheel of law, the conch shell, 例基本相同,惟其底座為藍地,見《清宮藏傳佛教文物》,香港,1992
the banner of victory, the parasol, the lotus, the treasure vase, the pair 年,頁 136,圖版 99-1 號。同書另載有雨花閣內兩層佛龕之供桌圖片,
of fish and the endless knot. A complete set of these emblems very 其上有一套金屬製蓮托八吉祥供具,見同上,圖版 108-1 及 108-3;及
similar in design to the present emblems but with blue ground on the
bases can be seen on the altar of the Fanzong Lou, Hall of Buddhism, 一套鎏金銀蓮托八吉祥供具,圖版 139。完整成套的粉彩八吉祥供具另
in the Forbidden City, Beijing, see Cultural Relics of Tibetan Buddhism 可參考拍賣過的兩套,尺寸皆較小,一套(高 24.1 公分)為礬紅地底座,
Collected in the Qing Palace, Hong Kong, 1992, p. 136, no. 99-1, where 書礬紅四字篆書款,2006 年 11 月 28 日於香港佳士得拍賣,拍品 1617
metal altar ornaments, on which the porcelain ones are based, are 號碼;另一套(高 23.5 公分)底座繪礬紅雙龍戲珠紋,書礬紅六字篆書
pictured on another altar, nos. 108-1 and 108-3, while a gilt-silver set is 款,2001 年 10 月 29 日於香港蘇富比拍賣,拍品 607 號。另可比較南京
seen on no. 139.
博物院藏嘉慶黃地一套(高 20.5 公分),見《中國清代官窯瓷器》,上
Compare also to two sets sold at auctions, one of slightly smaller size 海,2003 年,頁 376。
(24.1 cm. high) with iron-red ground bases and four-character marks
in iron red sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 November 2006, lot 1617; 乾隆朝初期依照金屬供器原型燒造瓷供器,如藏式塔龕﹑奔巴壺﹑多穆
another also smaller in size (23.5 cm. high) with iron-red dragons 壺、七政寶﹑八吉祥等。瓷土塑形窯燒因相對方便,因此瓷器逐漸取代
around the base and six-character marks in iron red, sold at Sotheby’s 金屬器成為主要的供器。而且瓷器品類衆多,釉彩豐富,利於創造出多
Hong Kong, 29 October 2001, lot 607. Compare also to a smaller
Jiaqing set (20.5 cm. high) with yellow-ground bases in the Nanjing 種繽紛華麗的裝飾組合。此類依照金屬原形所作的瓷供具還可參考本拍
Museum, illustrated in Zhongguo Qingdai guanyao ciqi, Shanghai, 2003, 賣中乾隆鬥彩奔巴壺(拍品 2706 號),及嘉慶金釉瓷五彩法輪(拍品
p. 376. For other types of porcelain altar ornaments commissioned by 2717 號)。
Qing Court, refer to a Qianlong Tibetan-style doucai ewer (lot 2706) and
a Jiaqing simulated gold altar ornament (lot 2717) in the present sale.