Page 57 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Buddhist Art Under Empire
P. 57

fig. 1  Collection of the Tibet Museum      fig. 2  Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
                     圖一  西藏博物館藏品                                     圖二  國立故宮博物院藏品

         2716 Continued

         The present type of altar ornaments belongs to a group of porcelain   法輪通體施金釉,仿金質或鎏金銅法輪。兩面相同。輪面以紅、藍、綠
         ritual wares modelled after Tibetan metal prototypes that was specially   三釉色,分別模仿金屬法輪上鑲嵌的珊瑚、青金石、綠松石。輪轂造型
         commissioned by the Qing Court for placement on Buddhist altars for
         ceremonial use in palaces and temples either within the Forbidden   為寳相花,八條鏤空菱形輪輻連接輪輞以示八正道。輪外為一圈桃形寬
         Palace or the Bishushanzhuang in Chengde. Compare to a Qianlong   邊,上刻雲紋,外滾連珠紋。底座上雕細長蓮瓣。底描金「大清嘉慶年
         doucai Tibetan-style ewer (lot 2706) and two Qianlong famille rose   製」篆書款。
         altar ornaments (lot 2717) from this group in the present sale. For a
         metal original of the present type of altar ornament, refer to a gilt-  金釉瓷粉彩法輪始燒於乾隆一朝,乾隆朝初期依照金屬供器原型燒造瓷
         silver example inlaid with semi-precious stones in the Tibet Museum,   供器,如法輪﹑奔巴壺﹑多穆壺、七政寶﹑八吉祥等。瓷土塑形窯燒因
         illustrated in Treasures from Snow Mountains: Gems of Tibetan Cultural   相對方便,因此瓷器逐漸取代金屬器成為主要的供器。而且瓷器品類衆
         Relics, Shanghai, 2001, p. 152, no. 70 (fig. 1).
         The present type of altar ornaments was displayed in pairs, such as a   六月十八日造辦處檔案記載:「…太監胡世傑交銅掐絲琺琅五供一分…
         pair from the Qianlong period placed on the altar table on the second   銅鍍金輪二件。傳旨:著照交出供器俱各畫樣…准時俱交舒善做木樣帶
         floor of the Fanhua Pavilion in the Forbidden City, see Sacrificial
         Vessels in the Sanctuary of Buddhist Essence, Beijing, 2013, nos. 66   往江西燒造磁塔、磁奔巴壺、磁甘露瓶、磁輪各一對…。」記載了清宮
         and 75. Compare also to another pair from the Jiaqing period, formerly   依金屬供具製作畫樣,以畫樣旋木樣,再發往景德鎮燒製瓷供具的過程。
         preserved in the Bishushanzhuang is in the National Palace Museum,   瓷法輪的金屬原型可參考西藏博物館所藏一件鎏金銀嵌寳法輪,見《雪
         Taipei, illustrated in Monarchy and Its Buddhist Way: Tibetan-Buddhist   域藏珍 : 西藏文物精華》,上海,圖版 70 號(圖一 )。其他依金屬原型
         Ritual, Taipei, 2002, p. 175, no. 83 (fig. 2).    所作的瓷供具,可參考本拍賣中乾隆鬥彩蓮托八吉祥紋奔巴壺(拍品
                                                           2706 號),及乾隆粉彩高足蓮托供器兩件(拍品 2717 號)。
                                                           樓的一對,見《梵華樓藏寶·供器》,北京,2013 年,圖 66、75;及
                                                           台北故宮博物院嘉慶款數對,其一載於《皇權與佛法 - 藏傳佛教法器特
                                                           展圖錄》,台北,2002 年,頁 175,圖版 83 號(圖二)。

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