Page 66 - Chinese Art From Two American Collections, April 5, 2017 Hong Kong
P. 66

This piece is a particularly finely painted example of square     方尊繪飾精緻,屬明末清初時為外銷歐洲所製瓷品。此類
bottles made for the European market during the Transitional      方尊,為中國最早期歐式器皿,形仿荷蘭琉璃及陶製方
period. Modelled in the form of Dutch square-sectioned glass      尊,原於歐洲用以盛酒或貯燈油。
and stoneware bottles which were used for alcohol or oil for
lamps, these bottles represent one of the earliest European       可參考一相類方尊,畫山水人物圖,藏牛津阿什莫林博
shapes reproduced in China.                                       物館,展於《Memorial Exhibition of Eastern Ceramics
                                                                  and Other Works of Art from the Collection of Gerald
Another bottle vase of this type painted with figures in          Reitlinger》,牛津,1981年,編號45。倫敦大英博物館
landscape, in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, was included in       另存一相似例,見於呂章申編,《瓷韻:大英博物館、
the Museum’s exhibition Eastern Ceramics and Other Works of       英國國立維多利亞與亞伯特博物館藏瓷器精品展》,北
Art from the Collection of Gerald Reitlinger, Oxford, 1981, cat.  京,2012年,圖版009,同見一荷蘭賴斯韋克出土琉璃方
no. 45; one from the British Museum, London, was included in      尊例,頁95,圖1。第三例藏於葡萄牙里斯本梅泰羅.阿
the exhibition Passion for Porcelain. Masterpieces of Ceramics    爾梅達基金會之家博物館,列展於《Do Tejo aos Mares
from the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum,       da China. Uma Epopeia Portuguesa》,克魯斯國家宮,
National Museum of China, Beijing, 2012, pl. 009, illustrated     克魯斯,1991年,編號47。另有一紋樣略粗方尊例,展於
together with a Dutch glass bottle excavated in Rijswijk, The     《故宮博物院、上海博物館藏明清貿易瓷》,上海,2015
Netherlands, p. 95, fig. 1; and a third, made for the Portuguese  年,圖版 52。另見香港藝術館藏一例,收入香港東方
market, in the Fundação Medeiros e Almeida, Lisbon, was           陶瓷協會展覽《明末清初陶瓷展覽》,香港藝術館,香
included in the exhibition Do Tejo aos Mares da China. Uma        港,1981年,編號 49,同展另有一清初類例,編號50。
Epopeia Portuguesa, Palácio Nacional de Queluz, Queluz,
1991, cat. no. 47. See also a less-finely painted example in the
Shanghai Museum, Shanghai, illustrated in Ming-Qing export
porcelain from the Palace Museum and the Shanghai Museum,
Shanghai, 2015, pl. 52; and another in the Hong Kong Museum
of Art, Hong Kong, included in the Oriental Ceramic Society of
Hong Kong exhibition Transitional Wares and their Forerunners,
Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1981, cat. no. 49,
together with an early Qing dynasty example, cat. no. 50.

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