Page 85 - Chinese Art From Two American Collections, April 5, 2017 Hong Kong
P. 85

This graceful waterpot, with its restrained design of carved      此器釉色瑩潤,釉下祥雲飄繞,俊雅青翠,展現康熙皇帝
clouds that appear to billow out from under the cool celadon      慕古創新的藝術情趣。器上釉色清澈細潤,為宋龍泉青釉
glaze, displays the Kangxi Emperor’s admiration for celebrated    之延續,朵朵祥雲始於元。器形簡樸俊美,紋飾、工藝精
porcelain traditions of the past and reinventing them in a        緻,傳統與創新之融匯,顯現當代景德鎮御窰能工巧匠之
contemporary manner. Its delicate glaze is inspired by the fine   功力。
celadon glazes produced at Longquan during the Song period,
and the motif of wispy clouds was well known at Jingdezhen        世界各大博物館及私人均有同類水盂收藏。北京故宮博
from as early as the Yuan dynasty. By applying sophisticated      物院有藏近例,錄於《故宮珍藏康雍乾瓷器圖錄》,
yet uncontrived designs to unassuming shapes, and taking the      香港,1989年,頁147,圖版130。另一例藏台北故宮
best works of the past as standards to aspire to, the potters     博物院,見《故宮清瓷圖錄.康熙窰.雍正窰》,東
active at Jingdezhen in the Kangxi period achieved a distinctive  京,1980年,圖版58。維多利亞及艾伯特博物館藏一例,
style of subdued elegance and refinement.                         為 Gulland Bequest 舊藏,載於 W.B. Honey,《Later
                                                                  Chinese Porcelain》,倫敦,1927年,圖版7a。一例
Celadon-glazed waterpots of this type with Kangxi marks           原為大維德爵士收藏,現藏大英博物館,錄於 Margaret
and of the period are held in important museums and private       Medley,《llustrated Catalogue of Ming and Qing
collections worldwide; a closely related example in the Palace    Monochrome Wares in the Percival David Foundation
Museum, Beijing, is illustrated in Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong.   of Chinese Art》,倫敦, 1989年,圖版583。Diana D.
Qing Porcelain from the Palace Museum Collection, Hong            Ashcroft 收藏一例,售於倫敦蘇富比1999年11月17日,
Kong, 1989, p. 147, pl. 130; another in the National Palace       編號772。另一例售於香港蘇富比1987年11月24日,編號
Museum, Taipei, is published in the Illustrated Catalogue of      111。紐約蘇富比1987年12月9日再售一例,編號284。
Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain in the National Palace Museum.
K’ang-hsi Ware and Yung-cheng Ware, Tokyo, 1980, pl. 58;          器形相同的馬蹄式水盂,同見白釉者。一屬上海博物館所
one in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, is illustrated     藏,見《中國陶瓷全集》,卷14,上海,2000年,圖版
in W.B. Honey, Later Chinese Porcelain, London, 1927, pl. 7a,     127。香港蘇富比1986年11月19日售一例,編號246。朵
from the Gulland Bequest; and a fourth example from the Sir       雲紋飾亦見於雍正鬪彩,一對水盂例,見《徐氏藝術館》
Percival David Collection, now in the British Museum, London,     ,香港,1991年,圖版112。
is published in Margaret Medley, Illustrated Catalogue of Ming
and Qing Monochrome Wares in the Percival David Foundation
of Chinese Art, London, 1989, pl. 583. Further examples were
sold at auction; one from the collection of Diana D. Ashcroft,
sold in our London rooms, 17th November 1999, lot 772;
another sold in these rooms, 24th November 1987, lot 111; and
a third sold in our New York rooms, 9th December 1987, lot

Waterpots of this form are also known covered overall in a
white glaze, such as the waterpot in the Shanghai Museum,
Shanghai, illustrated in The Complete Works of Chinese
Ceramics, vol. 14, Shanghai, 2000, pl. 127; and another sold
in these rooms, 19th November 1986, lot 246. This elegant
design of billowing clouds was also adapted for the doucai
palette under the Yongzheng Emperor; for example, see a pair
of waterpots illustrated in The Tsui Museum of Art, Hong Kong,
1991, pl. 112.

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