Page 89 - Chinese Art From Two American Collections, April 5, 2017 Hong Kong
P. 89

Painted with carefully rendered dragons and phoenix on a          此盌製工精美,筆觸靈動。盌身通體透白,所繪青花龍鳳
pristine white ground, this bowl is a fine example of porcelain   尤為生動,為康熙景德鎮御窰典型。康熙初年,畫師劉源
ware made at the imperial kilns in Jingdezhen during the          (約1638-85年)曾入宮供職,嘗畫此類龍鳳飾樣,又開
Kangxi Emperor’s reign. This particular design was probably       創白地勾勒之風,如此盌上紋樣,或受劉氏所畫啟發。
inspired by the work of the gifted painter Liu Yuan (c.1638-85),
who was employed by the court in the early years of the reign,    一極近盌例,曾售於倫敦蘇富比1990年12月11日,編號
to create porcelain designs. It was Liu who introduced a finely   308。另可比較一組紋樣相若之蓋盃,藏北京故宮,錄於
pencilled style on a plain white ground.                          《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系.青花釉裏紅(下)》,
A closely related bowl was sold in our London rooms, 11th         1994年6月7日,編號360。靜觀堂亦藏一對,載於《徐氏
December 1990, lot 308. Compare also a cup with its matching      藝術館.陶瓷篇IV.清代》,香港,1995年,圖版52,並
cover painted with this motif, in the Palace Museum, Beijing,     在1996年11月3日於香港佳士得售出,編號551。
illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures in the
Palace Museum. Blue and White Porcelain with Underglazed          Dudley L. Pickman(1779-1848年)為麻薩諸塞州塞勒
Red (III), Shanghai, 2000, pl. 70; another sold in our            姆市一所重要貿易公司之創辦人,坐擁飛剪船艦隊,業務
London rooms, 7th June 1994, lot 360; and a pair from the         及至遠東。Charles G. Loring 將軍(1828-1902年)則乃
Jingguantang Collection, illustrated in The Tsui Museum of Art.   波士頓美術館首任館長, 1876年開館以來執事,至1902
Chinese Ceramics IV: Qing Dynasty, Hong Kong, 1995, pl. 52,       年榮退。
and sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 3rd November 1996, lot 551.

Dudley L. Pickman (1779-1848) was the founder of one of the
great Salem trading companies active in the Far East with a
fleet of clipper ships. General Charles G. Loring (1828-1902)
was the first director of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,
from the opening of the museum in 1876 until his resignation
in 1902.

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